pt 10

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I head out to the impala and get in the passenger seat. As we head home, I fall asleep. I wake back up as we pull into the parking lot.

"you alright?" Gray asks

"I'm fine, its just been a long day, and its gonna be a long couple of months" I say

"You sure your up for this movie? I mean Steven did tell you you could sit out on this one" He says

"Ofcourse I am. I've put way too much work into this to not be" I say

"If you say so" He says

He shuts the car off and gets out. He walks around to my side and opens my door for me. I get out of the car and grab the keys from him.

"I'm just gonna go straight to my place, Pete's coming over to talk about everything" I inform Gray

"Can I still walk you to your place?" He asks

"Yeah" I say, leaning my head on his shoulder

He walks me to my door and tells me goodbye for the night, placing a light kiss on my forehead.

I unlock my door and walk inside. Immeadiatly I get the shit scared out of me, ofcoure Pete used his key, and relocked the door behind him to scare the shit out of me.

"Sorry for the scare Ellie" Pete says, laughing his ass off

"So funny, dickhead" I taunt

"Alright now you have to fill me in, what happened at the casting call?" Pete questions

We talk for a good hour, about the casting call, about mine and Theo's break up, everything.

"Are you sure you're alright with all of this? Maybe you and Gray should take this slowly, all things considered." Pete says

"I think it's a little to late for that. We've reached third base and back a couple of times" I say, slightly smiling

"Eww" Pete says, nudging my leg with his shoe from the opposite end of the couch.

"I get what you're saying though, and I'm really trying. It's hard, with everything that happened between me and Theo, I'm scared of shutting down again" I tell him

"Ellie, he isn't Theo, he's Gray. It's not gonna be the same. I think you have some things to think about. Tell me honestly, do you still have feelings for Theo?" He asks

"That's a loaded question Pete. I'll always have feelings for him, but not in that way. In a way of regret. Ways our relationship could have gone, where we would have been. It's too late to change that, I need to move on and I hope he has too" I say, the situation finally hitting me.

"El, come on. It sounds like you have some things to think about honestly" Pete says

"Fuck off pete" I say growing angry "I don't have feelings for Theo anymore, and I'm sick of people thinking that they know what I'm going through and how I'm fucking feeling!" I say, not realizing I was raising my voice slightly

Pete's face looks shocked, and honestly I don't blame him.

"Pete, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be like that. I'm just overwhelmed and tired. I'm confused honestly... I don't have feelings for Theo like that anymore. I think i just need sleep. I'm sorry pete" I say

"Ellie it's alright, ok? Just get some sleep and I'll talk to you in the morning" Pete says, heading for the door.

"Ok, please just text me when you get home" I say

"I will, I always do" He says, before walking out of the apartment and shutting the door behind him.

I sit frozen on the couch, tears of anger and confusion slowly rolling down my face. I walk to my room and lazily fall into my bed, decidng I've had enough for today.

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