Part 9

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The assistant opens the door and greets the man.
He walks in and I go pale...

"Steven can we talk in private" I say, hoping the man didn't hear me

"Of course" he said, getting up.

We walk to a small room off in the corner of the building

"Why would you invite Theo here and not tell me? I wish you wouldn't have signed him on in the first place" I say angrily

"You have to be professional. You didn't tell me you two weren't together, you also didn't tell me that you would be so angry. He's already signed the contract... if we try to terminate him he could sue us and then there would be no movie." He explains

"Fine.. we should go back" I say

When we walk back, Theo is still talking to the assistant. Steven and I take our spots back and welcome him in.

"Hello Theo" I say calmly

"Hi" he says

He sits in the open chair next to me and stares straight ahead

"Alright the first one is here" Alex says

I open the folder on the table and look. To my surprise it's Jared Padalecki.

"Hmm Jared... He's a very good actor... very kind too" I say

Jared goes through his audition smoothly. We decide to cut short after three more random people audition

"Looking at our list, I think Jared is our biggest contender... I think we should sign him" I say

"I agree" Gray says

Theo shoots him a weird stare

"Well then I think it's agreed upon... Jared will play the ex" He says

"Speaking of characters... I think I'd like to switch Theo and Gray's characters... I feel Theo would work best as the best friend." Steven says

"If that's how you feel it should be" Gray says

He shoots me a look of confusion.

"So let Jared know he has the role of the ex, Gray is the new love interest and Theo is the best friend" I say

"Now that everything is agreed upon / solved, I think that concludes this meeting. We have the rest of the cast, so we can start filming next week" Steven says

"Filming is out in California, we already have properties rented out by our producers for us to stay at until filming is up, obviously you can make trips back here to New York if needed... but try to pack things you'll need. I will be taking trips back here so I won't tell you that you can't..." I say

"Nice to know" Theo says

"Thank you" Gray says

"Alright I need to get going, I have plans tonight." I say getting up.

I say my goodbyes and then Gray says that he has a shoot to go to.

I wait outside the door for him and we head to the impala.

"What a douche" Gray says

"Ok calm it down" I say "I know he was off today, but he wasn't always like that... and I have know idea what is going on with Steven either...."

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