Part 5

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We get to the carpet and start walking, posing for pictures and such. Half way through the carpet when we are posing Gray turns to me.

"I have to do something" He says

"What do you mean?" I ask

I stare at him confused for a second before he kisses me. A bit of shock runs through me but I kiss him back. It feels like a million cameras are snapping pictures of us. We continue walking the carpet until it ends. The rest of the night carried through, and there was gonna be a very anxiety wracking conversation on the way back. The movie was only around 2 hours, but there was also the after party. The movie ends and we make our way the hotel the after party is at, luckily it was the same hotel that me and Gray each had a room at. The hotel was a couple miles away. At first we're silent until I decide to talk.

"So uh about earlier" I say

"I'm sorry, I was just caught up in the moment" He says

"Gray it's alright." I state

"Oh" He says sounding hurt

"I don't want you to get the wrong impression." I say

Gray stares at me for a second

" Ellie, I want you ." He says

Once he's done talking, I quickly kiss him. When we finally break apart I feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

"I'm yours" I say

We arrive at the after party, making our way in to the hotel holding hands. We got a couple drinks and just talked, we kept to ourselves. It was an after party for our movie but yet it felt like we were just two people sitting in a hotel bar drinking. After two hours the party was starting to die down. Gray grabs my hand and leads me out of the bar.

"Where are we going?" I ask

"My hotel room" He says

"Ok" I say

We made our way into the elevator. Thankfully we were the only ones in there. The second the door shut we started making out. After 5 minutes we finally made it to our floor. He pulled me through the hall to his room. We get in the room and start taking our clothes off. He pulls my dress off and tosses me on the bed. [yk what happens from there(: ]

I wake up to Gray still asleep next to me. I grab my phone and look at the time. It was 10 a.m. I quickly slipped out of bed and started getting dressed.

"Morning" Gray says, smiling at me from the bed

"Morning. We have an hour till we're supposed to be at the hangar to go back to nyc" I say

" ugh, ok" He groans as he gets up

Gray gets dressed while I pick up my clothes and shoes from last night off the floor. Once Gray's ready, we leave the room and check out. We got a ride to the hangar and quickly got on board.

I hadn't checked my phone yet so I pulled it out and start going through my socials. All the sudden a notification pops up from the "Daily Mail". The caption says "Ellie Beckett and Gray Arieus pile up the PDA on the red carpet movie premiere" the rest of it just basically said that they think we are together.
As I finish reading the article my phone starts ringing.

"What's up Pete?" I question

"I see you got your wish" He says

"Yeah" I say

"So are you guys together or was that just a publicity stunt?" He questions

"Too soon to know for sure..." I respond

"Are you guys on your way back?" He asks

"Yeah just took off" I answer

"Alright, I'll see you soon" He says

"You too, bye Pete" I say, hanging up the phone.

Gray looks at me for a second,

"I'm bored" He says

"Same" I say

"What should we do?" He asks

" I have some edibles on me. You want one?" I ask

"Totally" He says

"Have you had edibles before" I ask

"Admittedly no, I'm more of a drinker honestly." He says

"Well why not have the best of both worlds?" I ask

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