Part 3

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I wake up with a pounding head ache.By the time I get up it's already 11:00. I realise I have missed texts from pete

*Pete* Are you up yet?

*Pete* I have to tell you something today

*Pete* You got fucked up with Gray didnt you

Oh god. I'm never gonna live this one down.

*Ellie* Jesus im so sorry. ill be ready and be there at noon. And yes I had too much to drink last night

I quickly get ready and throw on a nice outfit so I don't get judged by the workers in the store.

I lock my condo door and hurry to my impala, making my way through traffic as fast as possible. I arrive at the store by 12 on the dot.

"You look like shit Ellie" Pete says

"Yeah I know, come on lets go inside" I say

We make our way into the building and start looking at the heels.

"What about these?" Pete asks showing me a pair of platform sandal style heels.

"These are perfect. Ok so what do you want to talk to me about" I ask

"I'm really sorry but I can't come to the preimere anymore. I need to help write a skit for snl" He says

"Hey thats fine. Work is more important" I say

"I do have an idea of who you could go with" He says

"Who?" I ask

"You'll meet him before the priemere" Pete says

"Uh ok" I say

"Anyways, did you have fun with Gray last night?" He asks

"We just had a couple tequila shots" I say

"You and your tequila shots bro" He says

"I like tequila so what?" I say

"That's not all you like" Pete mumbles

"What?" I ask

"I said thats not all you like" Pete says louder

"What do you-" Then I realised what he means. "Gray?" I say, blushing

"Yeah" Pete says

"Uh no." I lie

"Mhm sure" He says

"Ok whatever. Lets check out" I say

"You still owe me ten bucks by the way" He says

"Yeah yeah." I say

We walk to the counter and check out. Once we finish checking out I turn to Pete.

" Do you want to go get lunch with me?" I ask

"Sure" Pete says

"Alright, meet me at the Capital Grille" I say

"Don't you need a reservation" Pete says

"Not when I know the owner. I'm on the vip list homie" I say

I get in the impala and make my way to the resturant. By the time I get there my stomach is eating itself. I meet Pete at the door and we walk in.

"Can I get your name please?" The hostess asks

"Ellie Beckett" I say

"Right, follow me Ms.Beckett" She says

We follow the waitress to a nice table and get seated.

"Wow, I didnt fully believe you at first. I didnt know they had a vip list" Pete says

"Thats because the vip list is a secret" I say

The waiter comes and we give our order.

"So what is your movie even about?" Pete asks

"I play a woman who kills her husband and then is haunted by what she thinks is just halucinations of her husband but actually shes seing his secret twin brother who knows that she killed her husband" I explain

"Who does Gray play though?" He questions

"The husband and the twin brother" I say

"That plot sounds like the movie could either be really good or really bad" Pete says

"Yeah well it's paying well" I say

We finally get our food and eat, rarily talking in-between bites.

The waiter brings the tab and I quickly pick it up before Pete can. The bill was about $121. With a 25 percent tip it came out to $151.

"Lunch is on me" I say.

I pay the tab and we leave.

"Ill talk to you later Pete. I'm gonna go home and relax" I say

"Alright, Ill see you later. Thanks for lunch by the way." He says

"Oh no problem" I say

I drive back to my place, change into comfy clothes and watch a movie. I get a text and look at my phone confused

*Gray* Are you ready for the interview today?

*Ellie* Yeah

I completly forgot I have an interveiw today. I check my calendar and realise its in an hour and a half. And the interview place is 45 minutes away. I slip back on the outfit I was wearing before and make sure my make-up looks ok. I rush out the door and leave, trying to get to the place as fast as possible. I finally arrive a couple minutes before the interveiw starts.

"Im sorry im a bit late, traffic was bad" I lie

"It's ok" The interviewer says smiling

"Alright now that the leading lady is here let's start this interveiw" She says

Me and Gray were the only ones there, besides the interveiwer that was.

" So what was your favorite part about filming?" She asks

"Personally for me, the cast and crew was the best part. Everyone was really nice and fun to work with. It was overall a really fun experience" I say

"Honestly I'd have to agree with Ellie" Gray says

I get butterflies when he says my name.

"Whats your favorite part of the movie?" She asks

"Definetly in the end where Ellie's character realises that I'm actually Alec, and not Finlay" Gray says.

The interviewer was given the run down of the movie ahead of time so she would know what we were talking about.

"What about you Ellie?" She asks

"I would say my favorite part is when my character starts thinking that she's halucinating and seeing Finlay in these halucintations." I say

She asks us a couple more questions and then the interview is finally over. Once I get out of the stuffy building I let out a relieved sigh.

"You ok?" Gray asks, appearing behind me

"I'm fine. I'm just glad to be done with the interveiw" I say

"Makes sense. I got to go, I'll talk to you later Ellie" He says

"Bye Gray" I say

When I get in my car, I grab my posh from the center council. I hadn't used it in a couple days and almost forgot it was in there. I make my way home, and finally get to truly relax.

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