Part 7

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I quickly throw on shoes and take the elevator to the lower floor. As the elevator doors open I speed walk to Gray's door. I quietly knock, hoping no one will see me and add fuel to the fire.

He opens the door and just stares at me.

"Can I come in" I ask

"Ofcourse" He says smirking

I walk in and he shuts the doors behind me.

"What's up? I thought you had things to do. Did you just miss me that badly?" He teases

I tightly hug him as i start to ugly cry

"you checked your phone didn't you?" He asks

I nod as tears roll down my face, tasting of salt and anger.

"Pete told me you two broke up months ago" Gray says

"We did, over a year ago actually" I say still somewhat crying

"It's gonna be ok" Gray says "Just put out a statement saying you guys aren't together" He says

"It's not that simple Gray. My agent Alex called... He said Theo has been cast as the new boyfriend in the movie... and hes accepted the role" I say

"Then ask him to put out a statement as well, as him to let people know that you guys have been broken up and you didn't cheat...." He says

" Gray it still hurts. We hit rock bottom together, I don't wanna go back there. I can keep it professional with him but I don't know if a friendship is do-able" I say

He simply looks at me and gently kisses my forehead

"You'll figure this out.. I know you will. And it will all be ok." He says reassuring me

Theo's POV
"So I landed a new role" I tell Chris

"You don't sound too happy about that" Chris says to me

"It's a good movie plot, and it's paying pretty well, and steven speilberg is directing it. The catch is that Ellie is the co-director and the main character. She also plays my love interest for the first half of the movie" I say

"Oh shit. You haven't checked your phone recently have you?" Chris questions

"No.." I say

"Ellie is under fire. It's bad. She kissed Gray Arieus at their movie premiere last night" Chris says

"How is that bad?" I question

"People think that she's cheating on you. They don't realize you guys broke up. People have been saying awful things about her." He explains

I whip out my phone and see another text from my agent

*Jack* I also want to make it known that Gray Arieus is playing the best friend in the movie

"You've gotta be shitting me" I say out loud

"What now?" Chris questions

"Gray Arieus is playing Ellies best friend in the movie. The guy best friend is the one she ends up with" I say

"I'm sure it'll be ok Theo" he says

I check my phone and see all the awful things they are saying about her

"What the fuck? Why are they attacking her?" I say angrily

"I don't know. It's fucked up though" Chris says

"I should call her. Ask if she wants me to make a public statement about this..." I say

"Theo, that doesn't sound like a great idea right now" He says

"So I'm just supposed to watch as people threaten her and make disgusting comments about her?" I angrily question

"Theo, you still love her don't you?" He asks

"Chris this isn't about me! This is about her. She shouldn't be getting attacked right now. And even if i did still love her, she's clearly moved on with Gray" I say, still seething

*Ellie's POV*
I finally calmed down and sat with Gray on the couch.

"Can I ask you a question? About you and Theo?" He asks

"Go ahead" I say

"What caused you two to break up?" He asks

"You sure you wanna know?" I question

"If you don't mind telling me" He says

"So about a year ago now, we were together. We were so happy, I thought he was the love of my life and we were gonna get married. Start a family, be together all that. I unexpectedly got pregnant. We were overjoyed. Even though it wasn't planned we were ready to take that step. To raise a baby together and start said family. We decided we wouldn't speak to the press on our pregnancy until after I gave birth. Hide the bump with fluffy dresses and such. I had a scare one day. Theo was on set that day and I fell. I was in pain so I called him and went to the hospital. We lost the baby... and after that I just changed. I shut down, I pushed him away. I felt terrible, I blamed myself and no matter how many times he tried to tell me that it wasn't, I never listened. I carried the guilt, and I let it break us apart" I say tearing up

"I... had no idea. I'm so so sorry" Gray says

"It's ok Gray. You didn't know. I've had time to grieve and reflect, although it never gets easier to tell." I say, curling closer to him on the couch.

"Do you wanna stay here tonight?" He asks me

"Sure. I just need to grab some stuff from my apartment" I say

I get off the couch and make my way back to my place. I quickly change into pj's and brush my teeth. I grab my phone charger and some smaller items and throw them into a bag. I make sure my door is locked and walk back to the elevator. I get to his door and walk straight in.

"You ready to go to bed" Gray asks

"Im exhausted" I say

"Come on" He says grabbing my hand and pulling me to his bed room

I plug in my phone charger and shut my phone off. I can't stand to be on it any longer.

I get in bed next to Gray and curl up tightly against him. I so desperatly hope that this stuff with Theo is just a bad dream and I'll wake up and it'll be gone. That hope is foolish of me though, because I know its real.

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