"Come let's have drink first." I suggested and she nodded in ecstasy.

We strode towards the bar section and ordered for two champagne. The bar tender soon passed us a two flute of champagne. I was quietly sipping my champagne but Miss Nolan just stood there and was staring ahead at the couples who were dancing. Even I glanced ahead at couples and I even saw Dylan and Gwen were dancing in the middle.

I glanced back at Miss Nolan, she was staring at couples with dreamy eyes.

Does she also want to dance?!

Maybe yes.

Should I ask her for a dance?


What will she think of me. I'm her boss and she's my employee, that's it!!

But she's leaving within few days maybe I should just keep this boss and employee relationship aside for a while.

Okay!! Decided!! I'll just ask her for a dancing, if she's willing, she can put her hand in mine or else.... it's okay.

"Um..Miss No--" I was cut short as a blonde haired man stood infront of Miss Nolan with a smile.

"Hi beautiful lady..." he smirked while showing his white teeth.

"Huh?!" Miss Nolan slightly smiled.

"Oh my my... have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror. You're an absolute angel. Look at those big hazel eyes and pointed nose and a full lips and your skin.." he brushed his fingers across her cheeks.  " it's so soft and look at your hourglass body and upon that, this dress fits you perfectly..." his eyes roamed down on her dress more like on her body.
"And look at this beautiful bracelet.." he took her hand in his to get a better view of the bracelet.

Miss Nolan was tomato red, blushing furiously at his stupid compliments. I agree she's pretty but what he said was too high.

"I can't see your partner. Are you alone?" Blondie asked.

Is he blind or am I invisible??

I'm standing right beside her.!!

"Actually I'm alone..." my jaw almost dropped in disbelief at Miss Nolan's statement.
"....I don't have a partner." She giggled.

Then who am I???!!!!

She asked me to come here and now I'm not her partner.

'We are entering the masquerade ball as friends.'

My words buzzed in my ear like a bee.

"Would you like to dance with me mi amore??." He opened his palm to her

I'm gonna kill this Blondie tonight.

"My pleasure!!" She replied before placing her hand on his.

Without telling me a word, she walked along with the blondie to center of the hall. And my temper escalated. I was fuming with rage while they were slow dancing by holding each other. I placed the flute back on the counter and balled my fist, my jaw ticked in rage.

Well, why am I angry??!

Because Miss Nolan just made me an unknown person.

With long strides I marched towards the balcony to get some fresh air in order to cool my temper.

The crescent moon was on the dark sky, clusters of stars were shining brightly and I was still fuming with rage.

Calm down, it's not a big deal.

I cluchted the railing tightly.

How can she dance with him instead of me?


Am I jealous??

No!! No! No!!!

I can't be jealous--

"Your here, Harold." I turned around at the source of sound.
Miss Nolan sighed,
"I've been searching for you." She said.

My temper again escalated as I remembered how she chose him over me.
"What?!" I gritted.

A subtle frown took over her facial features but after a second a smile spread across her lips.
"The bracelet fell of my wrist while dancing, can you please clasp it back." She stretched her hand to pass me the bracelet.

But being in rage I pushed her hand away from me as the bracelet fell from her hand to the garden below us.

A slight gasp escaped her lips,
"What has gotten into you?!!" She bursted with welled up eyes.

I rolled my eyes before frustratedly sighing.
"Ask Dylan to drop you back home!!" She scowled in return and I turned around to exit this goddamn place.

Coming here was a bad choice.

I reached the parking lot and sat inside my car before driving. I exited the place and drove as fast as I could with my hands clutching the wheel tightly.

She can come home with that blondie, to dance she needed that blond guy and to clasp her bracelet back, she needed me. Huhh?!!

I was still halfway towards the house when suddenly Miss Nolan's words came ringing onto my ears.

'Mom gifted it to me on my sixteenth birthday and I treasure it a lot and luckily Daria has packed it.'

The bracelet!!!

It was her mother's gift to her and I just....

Oh god!!!

I stopped the car and banged my fist on the wheel in frustration.

What the heck did I just do?!!

I changed the gear and rotated the wheel and turned the car around. I was driving back to the Hilton Hawaiian coral ballroom.

15 minutes later :

I parked the car and strode towards the garden before crouching down. I swayed the grass with my palm to search Miss Nolan's bracelet. My legs were hurting so I sat on the grass and started swaying the grass from one place to other when I suddenly heard..

"Harold!! What are you doing." My head instantly snapped at Miss Nolan's voice.

And there she stood, and behind her were Gwen and Dylan.

"Your bracelet.." I trailed off as she lifted her wrist and showed me her bracelet.

"Dylan and Gwen helped me to search for it." Shd said and I glanced at Dylan and in return he smiled.

Dylan ..ugh.....Dylan!!!


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