Chapter 1: Reassigned

Start from the beginning

"I heard you are a great tracker and can track anyone across the globe." He said, dismissing my outrage. I nodded slowly, wondering where this was going. "A certain Fire Nation citizen needs a person tracked and has asked for assistance in his journey. You will be transferred to the same position on that ship, and there will be no argument from your quick tongue. This is an order." I scowled but nodded, accepting it was out of my hands.

My report will have to be cut short.

I ran below deck, grabbed my small satchel, and slung it around my body. I caught myself in the mirror wearing the clunky Fire Nation armour. I ripped off the chest plate and armoured pants, feeling free. My black turtle neck hugged my body and stretched down my arms. My baggy pants and boots sighed in relief, finally able to expand without a barrier of steel armour closing them in. I stared at the jade charm that swung at my neck and the ruby bracelet clinging to my wrist. Both evidence I once lived a life far away.

I ran back up and met with those cold eyes again. He only grinned, and I almost gagged. He pranced onto the bridge, and I followed suit. The smell of the markets greeted my nose, cooking meat and sweet tanghulu masking the scent of sewerage and poverty.

I watched greedy hands grab for items and get batted away by watchful shop owners. Noise flooded the damp cobblestone streets; salty water washed onto land by the big metal ships. Men with shady offers leered at me, trying to pull me in. "Ay, pretty girl! That gorgeous body could be enhanced with this gel!" I ignored him, but I think the Fire Nation general was the one to scare him off.

"Seriously, do men always shout at you in the streets?" General Zhao questioned, not an ounce of sympathy in his voice. I kept walking. 

"I suppose to any woman in these markets, yes," I paused, contemplating my next words. "Or on big metal ships." I finished, and he only raised an accusing brow.

The water stretched on beyond the horizon, ships pulling into the shoreline. I longingly looked out, wishing to be back on my boat. The horizon was obstructed by another massive ship, that of the Fire Nation. The sun was reflected–no–pierced on the sharp tip of the ship. A ramp was lowered harshly onto the cobblestone and kicked up rocks as it slammed down. Shadowed figures stood at the top, but the sun glowering behind them concealed their features.

Zhao went up, and I followed, attempting to hide all discomfort in my features. I had to be a blank slate. Boring is harder to read than interesting. Finally climbing up the ramp, I met with my new crewmates. I stepped out onto the deck and looked around. A rotund man greeted me with a large smile. I bowed courtly, no smile present on my face.

"Thank you for changing your post with such little notice. We appreciate your help in my nephew's journey," the smiling man said. 

"My loyalty lies with the Fire Nation, and I'm happy to change my post to assist..." I trailed off, realising who stood before me.

Retired general Iroh, former in line to the throne. My heart beat a little faster, and sweat built at the back of my neck. "And what was your name?" He asked. I almost rejoiced out loud, knowing he hadn't recognised me. 

"Laina Xu, sir." I breathed out.

Zhao stepped in front of me. "This is all very polite, but I should run you through some things." Iroh nodded, and I stepped back. Laina has been known to be... violent. If anything occurs, you can talk to me, and I'll see fit to what we should do with her."

I rolled my eyes behind his broad back, and Iroh noticed. He chuckled and turned back to Zhao. "I'm sure she will be fine," he said with kind eyes. Zhao sneered. 

"We'll see." And with that final comment, he left, trudging back down the ramp. I released a held breath and unclasped my hands.

Another set of footsteps trudged up the ramp, and I swivelled around to see. I almost gasped at who came up the ramp.

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