Ch 57-The Final Battle (pt 4)

Start from the beginning

Hel: Yo Y/n!

???: hello Y/n

Y/n: hey girls *smile looking at her inner angel form* I don't think we have been introduced yet? My name is Y/n, what's yours?

???: well I remember the name that I used when I first introduced myself to you but if you do not mind I would for you to give me name that you chose, like Hel over there

Hel: hey Y/n why don't you name her too

Y/n: sure *think about a name*

Hel: *nudge ???* you will see, she is really good with names

Y/n: how about "flappy"

???: *look at Hel with a deadpan expression* you serious?

Hel: *sweatdrop* to be honest I am speechless too...

Y/n: I'm joking don't worry...hmm how about Seraphina?

Hel: *proud* see I told you she was good

Seraphina: I am honored that you gave me a name Y/n, thank you

Y/n: *smile* you're the way I need to do something but I don't know if it will work

Hel: *raise an eyebrow* what do you want to do?

Y/n: first do you know what those orbs are?

Hel: those orbs are what make us "alive", it is our power, without it we don't exist

Y/n: oh I see... Listen I need to transform into a mix of angel and demon an-

Hel: impossible, it's impossible to do...or at best it has an extremely small chance to work

Y/n: what will happen if it doesn't work?

Seraphina: *smile* you will die

Hel: *look at Seraphina* why do you have to say it like that? It's fucking creepy

Y/n: I guess we have no choice but to try

Hel: dammit, I guess it's either that or becoming the dog of the crazy bitch with a superiority complex

Y/n: Seraphina? What do you think?

Seraphina: I think it's worth it to try, besides you want to bring them back right?

Y/n: of course

Seraphina: then we have no choice but to not fail in what we are going to do! I have a good feeling about this.

Y/n: alright then let's start

I approached the orbs once again and put my hand on them. I made a hole in them and plunged my hands inside, I let my hand stay inside the orb since I didn't really know what to do after that. Suddenly I felt as if I received a boost and my demon form started to come out but midway through the process, I felt something else.

It started from my right hand and as soon as I felt it, I screamed in pain. I almost passed out from the pain but I was held up by Hel and Seraphina who were both out of breath and seemed paler than before.

Y/n: Hel...Seraphina...are you ahh fuck okay?

Hel: we are good so don't fucking stop!

Seraphina: do not worry...once you are done...we will feel even better

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