When the ADHD hits a little too hard

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Today when Aria woke up, her adhd chose violence for the day. Like I'm talking she had the brain zoomies as her moms called it. Which Aria fully agreed. "Ok Aria focus and sit still." Aria told herself.

She was trying to finish her homework.

Aria doesn't take meds for her adhd which sometimes is to her demise. Most of time she does need any. "Oh my god! I left my dresser drawer open, well one of them. Oh shit the painting is crooked, I need to fix this. Damn it, my laundry too." All of these things and more races through her mind. Which this is when the hyperactivity hit.

Although, she isn't normally like this.

Physically she isn't that hyperactive but mentally she is all the time. She started doing those things, closing her drawer louder that she expected, fixing her painting and folding her laundry.

It was so loud that Maya went over it the sound of the loud room.

"Hello? Aria? Earth to Aria?" Maya tried to get her attention as she opened the door. Aria realized that she zoned out and got lost in her thoughts. "Sorry I was lost in my mind. What's up?" Aria says barely staying still. "Ok nope we aren't doing anything until we slow down. You ready?" Maya noticed her daughter needing a calming technique.

Aria nodded her head in compliance. Maya brought her to her desk chair and started the calming process.

"Ok 5 things you can see?" Maya asked.

"My laptop, you, my bed, my twinkle lights and my opened drawer." Aria answered back.

"Ok now four things you can feel?" Maya proceeded with the calming method.

"Your hand in my hands, the chair, my glasses and my shirt." Aria relayed back to Maya but struggling to stay still and on task.

"No no no focus only on me. Ignore the thoughts in your head and the things distracting you. Just me. Ok now three things you hear?" Maya tried to get her daughter to focus on the task in front of her.

"The quiet music from my laptop, your voice and Mama cooking noises in the kitchen." Aria says and then Maya notices Aria is calming down.

Maya can see in her daughter's face that the noises in her daughter's head are beginning to quiet down.

"Two things you can smell?"

"Your perfume and Mama's cooking."

"Right, now the last thing, something you can taste?" Maya rounded out the calming method she used.

"Hopefully Mama's pasta that she is making!" Aria said excited for pasta.

Pasta was her favorite type of food.

Even though she wasn't Italian or even related to her moms in any form (she was adopted), she still loved it.

"Better?" Maya asked, wanting to know if the calming method did it's trick. "Yes thank you Mom. "Now what has you have your brain zoomies on this wonderful day?" Maya joked with her daughter.

"Just things I need to get done." Aria said with some disappointment in her voice. "Well I'm not doing anything at the moment so let's get some of this done." Maya expressed while getting up from the position she was in.

Aria nodded her head and the two of them did the tasks. Within no time they were done.

All it really took was body doubling which is when someone is with Aria just so she could get her tasks done.

"Dinner!" Aria heard her Carina's yell from the kitchen.

Maya and Aria look over to each other and Maya said, "just in time." They had just finished all the things Aria had to do.

They raced down to the kitchen and ate the food Carina made. Carina asked what they did at the dinner table and Maya explained between bites of food.

After cleaning up, they ended the night with a movie.
A/n: Not going to lie this is how I think and my friends can vouch for me.

Any suggestions? Scenes or anything in the realm of what you want me to write?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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