Prayer in the chapel

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I recommend listening to Experience by virtuosi italiani & Daniel Hope while reading this. I did while writing it. Adds an extra layer of intensity to the story.

Malia's world literally crumbled into a million pieces when she read the text. The text didn't even make sense. Some of the words where missing but she could tell that there was no going back from this.

The message burning into her skull was: hospital now. Zio Andrew hurt.

Malia excused herself from her English class and ran down to the office. She tried to explain what happened but the desk secretary didn't buy it. They thought she was trying to skip school. Malia thought, "why would I be trying to skip school. This is so true. Just look at my body language woman!" After 5 minutes of trying, they still wouldn't budge. Malia suggested to call her Mom but there was no telling if she would answer. She assumed Maya was with Carina at the time.

I few rings later and Maya answering the phone, she was cleared to leave the school.

Malia raced to her car, fumbling with her Jeep's keys. Just trying to start her car. "GOD DAMN IT. JUST EFFING WORK!" she yelled in frustration to her hands. She finally calmed down enough to get herself on the way to the hospital. She played some music on the way to try to calm herself down but to her demise. It didn't work.

She had access to the employee parking because of Carina. So after she parked, she raced to find her moms. She ran through the halls trying to find someone who she knew and could tell her where her moms were. That is when she bumped into Amelia.

"Hey slow down speed racer." Amelia expressed while almost getting wiped out by Malia. "AMELIA, THANK GOD! DO YOU KNOW WHERE MY MOMS ARE!?!?!?!" Malia asked out of breath with her hand on her knees and she was bent down. Trying to get as much air in her lungs as she could.

"I think in the chapel? Why do........" Before Amelia finished, Malia ran to the chapel.

The doors to the chapel swing open to Maya, Carina, Teddy and Owen hugging. Covid was still at a high but Malia had clearance to be at the hospital. "Wait what happened?" Malia hesitantly asked the group.

"Bambina, your zio is going to be ok." Carina said through the tears in her eyes. At that moment, Malia collapsed into the ground. The relief of knowing she still could she her Zio happy and alive again. She just sat on the ground, the anxiety and stress finally hits her body fully seconds later. To the point of her blacking out.

That was the last of the happiness and relief she left for a while.........

When she came to, it felt like a few seconds but to everyone else it was an hour. Come to fine out, Malia was dehydrated. That plus the stress and anxiety built up didn't help either. Waking up and opening her eyes, she could slowly see her vision focus on a person. That being her moms. Both of them had puffy red eyes.

She then asked if she could see her Zio but they both shock their heads no. That is when she knew.........

He was gone and she never got to say goodbye..........

A/n: this was so sad to write but I felt like it needed to happen. I always wanted to write something about these sad episodes. So I did it to my own sadness 🥲

Any requests?

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