Nighttime fun

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Welcome to my snapsot book. I know I haven't been active. Life has gotten busier for me but hopefully these snapshots will give y'all something little to read from me. Enjoy it and many more to come.


It was a Saturday night in the bishop household, it was just the three of them in Maya and Carina's bed.

Dylan, their 17 year old daughter, was sandwiched in between her mothers. They were laughing as the various videos their daughter had found on instagram about kids doing the most random things that were funny. The moms, who both were doing work, had to look up from there laptops to see these hilarious videos.

At the end of the bed, was their boarder collie, Apollo, was sound asleep. Not even caring about what his weird humans were laughing about.

Through her laughter, Maya said, "why do these kids do that rot themselves?" "Mom, I have literally no clue. They are just funny." Dylan answered back. "Ok fine but no more. I seriously have to focus on this report before I go to bed tonight. And my daughter, not naming names, keeps distracting me." Maya nudges the 17 year old to her left with her elbow. "Ok ok ok, I will stop bugging you." Dylan proceeds to leave one of her mothers alone.

"Oh bambina, have you thought of some of the things you wanted to get for christmas?" Carina asked.

Christmas was right around the corner and the 17 year old still hadn't given her parents a list or even a link for a gift yet. Dylan was the type of teenager that didn't need much. Other than books, but she got all the books she needed. Little did Dylan know, she was going to go on a trip back to Italy. It was the first trip back since the pandemic.

"Nothing really has come to mind other than books. I don't know which ones to get?" Dylan confessed to her Mama. "Well lets look on 'Read Upon a time'." That was a website Dylan would look at for books. The two did that while Maya finished her work. And Dylan found books for christmas.

Dylan didn't care that she know her presents but she would get her surprise gift on Christmas Day.........

A/n: Ok I'm not dead *insert sarcasm*, life got away from me. Starting college, work and many other things. I haven't had the time or motivation to write. I did start the sequel to "A Beam of Hope" tho. I like it and I hope to finish out "A Beam of Hope" soon and post the sequel as well so hang tight.

I thought this story will give y'all and me something fun and small to have for now. So with that said I hope you enjoyed it and I look forward to writing more!!!!

Any requests for this?
(They are going to be very short)

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