Package Happiness

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A notification pinged on Lucy's phone went off and when she looking at it. She raced down the stairs towards the door. Reacting the bottom of the stairs so almost collided with her Mama, who wasn't happy about it.

"BAMBINA! Watch out please!" The mother stressed to her 16 year old daughter, who was acting like a 6 year old at the moment.

Carina, who was about 7 months pregnant at the moment was scared out of her mind with Lucy running down the stairs fast. She did in fact have a laundry basket in her arms as well.

"Sorry Mama, I just go a notification that my package came and is at the door." Lucy apologized and was embarrassed.

When it came to packages, Lucy loved just opening them with permission obviously. Even if they weren't for her she loved opening them.

"Oh ok Lou, just be careful next time. Bene?" Carina conveyed. "Bene Mama." Lucy answered back. After that conversation, Lucy raced to the door to find her package. She picked it up and raced to the kitchen to open it.

"HA!!!! YOU ARE ALL MINE!!!!!!!" Lucy evil expresses to the item she pulled out. Follow by a evil giggle

You may ask, 'what did Lucy get this excited for'? Well she has been waiting for a weighted Dinosaur stuffed animal for a while and she finally got it. At the dinning room table sat Carina folding laundry and chuckling slightly because of Lucy's reaction.

"Heyyyyyy Mama! I hear that chuckling towards me!" Lucy calls out. "No bambina I wasn't making fun of you. I was chuckling at you because you are cute when you get things that you have been wanting for a while. I love when you are just acting like a little kid. I miss it." Carina clarified to the embarrassed teenager.

"Ok I believe you. But look, it is soft and just heavy enough to sleep with!" Lucy comes over to her Mama to feel. "Ooooo that is nice Lou." Carina confirms what Lucy says. "Nope get your own Mama. This one is mine." Lucy half jokes but still kinda serious. Carina nods in agreement.

Lucy helps her Mama with the laundry and later Maya comes home. Lucy shows her stuffed Dinosaur who she named Zeke at that point. Maya liked it as well. Lucy hoped her moms didn't take it in the near future tho. Lucy would have needed to get another. 

A/n: I'm enjoying making these snapshots a little bit to well. They are easy to get done and I can write one in like 20 minutes.

Any requests I can do for y'all?
Some from scenes from station 19 (I have one in the works). Come on, don't be shy

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