Chapter 7

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Starfall and I walk into the illusion classroom and my face lids up when I see Edric in there. I run toward him and puts my arms around his neck. 'Edric, I am so happy to see you!' He smiles and hugs me back.

'My shining light, good to see you. I heard everyone talk about you and you sister in the hallway. I can't wait to see what you can do in my track.' I blush.

'I hope I won't disappoint you.' I make an illusion of our cave and put the hallow around us.

'Now the rest can't see us. It is like we are alone again. I Like school and meeting new people, but it is also overwhelming and at that moments I long for the time with just you and me in the hallow.' He smiles.

'I will take you to a quit place after a tour around town or we can make an illusion that follows our classes for is and go now.' I bite my lip.

'I love to Edric, but it is my first day. I can't skip right now.' He nods and smiles.

'Than let's just hug in the corner and let them practice. You don't need it anyway, not for this track.' I nod while blushing and let him take me to the corner. He sits down with me on his lab, and we just watch the others practicing. I lean against Edric enjoying the warmed of his body against mine and his warm breath in my neck.

An hour is over before I know it and I hug Edric goodbye before I go to the bard class with Starfall. We both get to choose an instrument and for the first time since we came here, I really don't know what to do. I don't know how to play the harp, but I loved the sound so I chose that instrument. Doing all other kinds of magic goes naturally so far, but this is something both Starfall and I need to learn.

My sister is angry and frustrated, but I am excited to finally learn something. A boy with only one eye, a horn on his head and a white fur patiently teaches me how to play while a dark-skinned girl with grey hair tries to calm down my sister. After an hour my sister is clearly angry.

'I will drop that for sure. I hate it. No matter how much magic I put in it, it would not work.'

'I liked it. The sound where beautiful and I really have to work and learn for this. All the other classes so far where just seeing and trying. We did not have to put much avert into it. The only new things I learned before where some new illusion tricks.'

We walk to the cafeteria and after getting my food I walk straight towards Edric and Emira. I sit down next to Edric and smile at his sister. Before anyone can say something a crowed has formed around our table. I look disappointed at Edric. I will probably not be able to talk to him anymore.

To my surprise they all start to talk to me, and I turn invisible from the discomfort I feel. I don't like this kind of attention. It is way to much and way to many people at once. Starfall now clears her throat.

'All of you leave or I turn into a beast and eat you all!' She screams and the crowed quickly disappears.

The rest of the classes are easy and over before we know it. I had a lot of fun by abomination with Starfall. Next class we want to try a different mixture to make one. I say goodbye to Starfall and than walk outside. Edric is already waiting and takes my hand. He Shows me around town and we stop to get a drink at the market. That way I can also check on my sister, Owly and Eda.

More importantly I'm so thirsty my throat feels like it is on fire. I walk to Eda's stand when Edric is away to get the drinks. Before I can say anything to her someone grabs my hand. 'Florea, I have been looking all over for you. You are a good daughter. You make your mother very proud. Come, I have to introduce you to my friend's son Edric and to emperor Belos. It is important to make connections and think about marriage. A good marriage will raise your family's power and status. The same goes for being liked by the emperor.' I freeze when I hear my old name. I feel my whole body shake when I look up. I would almost not recognize my mother. Her hair is messy, and her fancy clothes are very dirty. She has massive bags under hair eyes and from the look in her eyes it is clear that she lost it. Just like how we wanted. We wanted her to suffer and feel regret, but we don't want her in our lives at all. She should suffer in silent not come and bother us.

She tries to pull me along, but a powerful blast blows her away from me. 'Get away from my kid!' An angry Eda at runs toward us and the eyes of my sister spit fire.

'You might give birth to us, but you also left us to die. You are not our mother. Not from me or from Starlight. Eda is more like a mom to us than you will ever be. She really cares about us and tries help us.'

'Thanks for the help, Eda.'

'No problem kid that is where mentors are for, now get away before she comes back to bother you. Don't worry Theodora, is nothing compared to powerful witch like me so don't worry about me or Starfall.' I nod and quickly walk back to the spot where Edric left me.

When he comes back, he immediately sees that I'm upset and puts his arms around me. 'What happened my shining light?'

'My mom tried to take me and use me. Eda stepped in but I'm still a little bit uneasy.' His lips curl down at those words.

'I am so sorry. I shouldn't have left you alone. Let's stop the tour for now. I take you to a quit place. Nature might calm you down.' I nod and take my drink from him. I take a big sip and then follow him away from the market and the town.

We walk trough a swamp and end up at a small hill that overlooks the town on one side and the sea at the other. Edric sits down facing the sea. 'This is my favorite and secret place. I never brought someone here before. Not even my sister. I come here when I need to be alone and think without being disturbed. It is my most precious secret and now it is yours to.' I blush and sit down next to him.

'I don't feel like I deserve to see something so special to you. I don't feel like I even deserve to be your friend. You are so smart, talented and brave. You are to kind to me. I'm just a girl that tried to save you from being eaten by my family.' His smile disappears.

'You are giving me to much credit. You are the one that is smart, brave and kind. You are so talented there is almost nothing you can't do, even without working for it. Illusion magic is not hard for me, that is why I choose it. I am already used to play out an illusion at home. You leaved the world you know behind and go back to one that hurt you because you want to know what it is like here. You are willing to try everything and want to help everyone as much as you can. You are amazing and that is why I'm afraid to lose you.' I put my hand on his cheek.

'I think you are great. You accept me even trough you saw me as a beast. You accept that I am half human and quickly stopped fearing me even trough my dad and sister tried to eat you. That is what I call very brave. Everyone also clearly loves you very much. A huge crowd was around you. I was really scared that I couldn't see you before school started today.' He signs.

'I'm not who you think I am. Remember when I told you I rebel by breaking rules and joking around? I pranked a lot of people and trough some people think I am cool, no one really wants to be my friend. No one except you and my family even knows about my true appearance. The truth is I tried really hard to behave today because I am more scared than ever. I am scared to lose the girl I love. The one that stole my heart. I am scared to lose you when you find out who I truly am and how amazing you really are.' I grab his concealment stone and throw it in the ocean.

'Edric, you don't need that stupid thing. You are perfect just the way you are. Stop hiding who you are. The boy I know is amazing. He is kind, caring and smart. I never need to explain anything I told you. You just understood. You are the only person that can, not even my sister understands me most of the time. You put the needs of others before you own. You are really handsome, and I love your comfy clothes. You even tried to break free from the hallow and wounded yourself because you thought I was hurt. You don't need to rebel or put up an illusion for me. Just be yourself and say what you feel. I will always be there for you no matter what. I'm not going anywhere so don't ever be afraid that you lose me.' He stands up and pulls me close. The looks in his eyes change and at that moment he presses his lips against mine.

Edric and StarlightNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ