Chapter 5

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I wake up with my angry twin on top of me. ‘What where you thinking?! You almost died! You are lucky that I begged the stars to safe your life. You where to far gone for me to help. You needed to much energy and magical power to life. They gave you new energy and made you as strong as me. Don’t ever try to do something so stupid again! Not even for an other beast and especially not for a witch! Remember we are not witches, we are beats!’ I push her away and angrily look at her.

‘We are both and it is time you accept that, then maybe I would not feel so alone!’ Tears run from my eyes and than walk out of the cave. I look up at the stars.

‘I know you guys don’t talk to me anymore but thank you guys for saving me.’ My sister now runs op to me and pulls me close.

‘I am sorry. I always forget to you grew up a witch for the first years of your life. I don’t feel like a witch. Even in this form. In fact, I hate this form, but it is okay if you feel differently. You are still my sister, you are still my family. I will accept your witch boy. You don’t have to hide him anymore.’ I shake my head in tears.

‘I can’t keep him here Starfall, he needs to get back to his family. He needs to be with the ones he loves. I am a terrible friend if keep him away from his sisters. I would also hate to be apart from you or dad.’ I sit on a rock and look at the town.

‘You want to go there, don’t you?’

‘Of course I want to, but I can’t. You and I both know we can’t control our instincts. When we feel treated, we will change into our beats form. You are much more fearless than me because you grow up only as a beast, but I grew up with mother for five years. I don’t remember it all, but I do remember that I always had to be perfect and a true witch. If I could not meet her expectations than I would be beaten and in the end left to die on the knee like you as a baby. She hates that I still could not do magic and would always tell my she killed my twin for having human ears. We have to be true witches. We where mistakes she couldn't get rid off when we were still on the womb. Our father promised her to take us away to the human world if we where not true witches. But he was discussed by your magic and my ears, so he left without us as soon as he found a way home. We where a mistake, we where unwanted. None of them wanted us, so how could someone ever love us half-witches? People will only use us to get what they want so I could better die like you. She told me that everyday but still kept me until it was clear that I would never get my magic. I know how bad the world can be, to be honest, I am scared of it, but I also know that there is good. Just look at the old grey witch and my Edric. I like to see some of that for myself. I like to go to school and make friends like a normal kid.’ Tears heavily run down my eyes. It is the first time I tell anyone about this. Even Edric does not know my full story only that my mom is a bad person just like his. It feel strange but also good to get it off of my chest.

My sister puts her hand on my shoulder. ‘It is true that I hate this body and that world but for some reason it does not sound so bad what when you say it like that. For sixteen years I lived like this, and you lived my way for eleven years. It is time to do what you want to do but we have to ask dad how. Outside this cave we have no place to call home and we are both still very clueless about that world. Even so if that is truly what you want, we can give it a try. Let go back home for now. We will figure it out later.’

Together we walk back to the cave, and I walk to the cage corner with the older witch in it. To my surprise, her grey hair is showing some orange locks. ‘You two are still connect, you feel each others’ emotions and pain. You can go apart, but it better not to go to far from each other for now. The owl beast can get his strength back and you will have all your magic back. If there is life treating danger for one of you, you will fuse again but it will only make you stronger. All the downsides of the curse are gone now. The toll it took on your body will reverse itself. You will get your original appearance and full magic back. With some time, we can separate you guys for good but for now this is the best we can do without killing either of you. Try to form a band together. That way you would both get stronger. The owl beast never meant any harm Eda. He reacted in defenses when you where nervous or scared in the past and lately he only tried to be free again. He wants to fly over the land. Eat his favorite snacks and finally live again after being trapped for so long. He was trapped in a scroll before the curse was put on you. For more than a thousand years he could never stretch his wings.’

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