Chapter 6

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After some time, Edric agreed to sleep in the same bed as me and I fall asleep in his arms. I wake up to his warm chest. I try to get out of his arms without waking him up but he opens his eyes.’

‘Good morning, Starlight.’ I smile.

‘Good morning, Edric. I am hungry and you?’ He nods.

‘Great, I will try to find some berries outside.’ He takes my hand.

‘Wait, lets check the kitchen first.’ He takes me by the hand and leads me to the kitchen. There he starts to make something. He gives part of it to me, and I sniff it.

‘It is a sandwich.’

‘This has sand in it?!’

‘No, that is just the name. Try it. I know you will love it. It has lots of baked mushrooms in it.’ I do as he says and a great taste fills my mouth.

‘Wow this is delicious.’ The door now bangs open and my sister walks in covered in blood. She puts a dead bird on the table.

‘Breakfast is ready sis.’ I give her a piece of my food.

‘You have to try this.’ She immediately puts it in her mouth.

‘It is good, but I rather have my meat. Don’t you want some?’ I shake my head.

‘No, but clean yourself up. You have blood all over you.’ She snaps her finger, and all the blood is gone now.

‘Better?’ I nod.

An hour later Edric and I are standing before a big house. I take deep breaths but than knock on the door. A purple thing opens the door and Edric takes me upstairs. He takes me to two rooms, but they are both empty. I sniff.

‘They are there.’ I point at the door right in front of us.

‘But that is my room.’ Edric opens the door, and the two green haired girls look very sadly at the empty bad.

‘Em, Mittens, I am back.’ They both look up and run up to him. I feel awkward.

‘You are home now so I should go.’ I want to walk away but Edric immediately grabs my arm and pulls me close.

‘Don’t go. Please stay a bit longer. Em, Mittens this is Starlight. She was trapped inside the cave with me until we where let go last night. She and her sister had no where to go so she will stay with Luz and Eda. She lived with the beasts since she was five and her sister since she was a baby, so they are bit wild, but Starlight and me become friends in no time. The beasts did not hurt them or me. They protected the girls and raised them. Starlight was interested in me, so they let me live. I could no go out or escape, but I was save and well taken care of. Last night they decided that the girls where finally old enough take care of themselves so they let us go.’ The girls nod and hug me.

‘Thank you for protecting and saving our brother Starlight.’ I smile.

‘No problem. Edric is my friend. I won’t let anything happen to him.’

I stayed there the rest of the day and had diner with Edric and his sisters. Their parents never appeared, and I am really glad about that. I trust Edric and his sister but I am not sure if I can trust his parents yet. I am clearly not normal. I still have to learn about some of the normal witch stuff like cutlery and I don’t even know the names of most everyday things.

Yesterday day Eda and king gave me a speed course about being a witch and today we will go to school. Eda will talk to the principal for us, and I wait in front of the school for her. Starfall went inside with her, but I wanted to stay outside. I still hope to see Edric before I start and talk with him. I am excided but also a little scared, so I need a hug and his kind encouraging words right now.

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