"Meredith." Ren sighed, his voice disappointed.

Meredith sighed quietly, so quiet that only my Wolf ears could hear. Finally she turned around, her expression changing to one of boredom to egoistic.

She smirked, her trademark smirk at Ren. "As you call, I answer." She mock saluted.

Ren didn't seem offended. Instead he chuckled. "I see your humor has remained the same since." He replied wistfully. "My have I missed you Meredithian."

I frowned at that. Meredithian?

Meredith smirk widened. "You can only wish the feeling was mutual."

"Ahh," Ren breathed, "But I know. You have missed me."

Meredith smirk turned into a glare. Ren turned his eyes to Emma and Vivian, "Emmaline, Vivianna. My, what beauties you have turned into." He complimented.

"How is this..." Emma breathed, not being able to finish her sentence.

Ren spread his arms out in a welcoming gesture. "I have been reincarnated,"

I sucked in a sharp breath, shock running through my veins. I have known that other Hunters have been reincarnated but I had never actually met them or spoken to them. Hunters who've been reincarnated usually go to a lab to figure out more about magic, especially long lasting magic.

"But-" Emma started.

"I hate to break this beautiful reunion Emmaline but I must be on my way." Ren interrupted sadly, "It was a true pleasure meeting with you once again."

Ren turned his gaze to me, his eyes unreadable. "I bit you adieu Alpha Crescent, Meredithian."

The moment those words left his mouth I knew. Ren knew that I was Meredith's mate, there was no doubt about it. The way he looked at me, the strange kindness he showed me. No Hunter has ever shown any type of kindness to a Supernatural.

Ren turned on his heels, going back the way he came. Each time he past a Hunter, they would turn as well and follow him until the very last Hunter was gone.

I didn't know whether to be relieved at the fact that they left or to be on guard. I worried whether there was Hunters hiding in the shadows. I could only wait until my Pack arrived.

Emma let out a shaky sigh. "Meredith," She spoke, her voice trembling with fear, "How is this possible."

I turned to look at Meredith to see her staring at the spot Ren was previously occupying. Her blue eyes were hard, colder than I had ever seen. Her body was tense and her fist were clenched at her sides. I had never seen Meredith express such emotions, even when she was annoyed with Emma or I. But now, I saw what it truly looked like to see Meredith hate somebody. The anger she held in her eyes had my Wolf growling fiercely at Ren.

Half of me wanted to ask who he was and how they knew him but the other half restrained me from doing so. It was like somewhere in the back of my mind I knew the answer and I wouldn't like it.

"Meredith!" Emma cried, tears brimming her eyes, "What did you do?!"

Meredith whirled around so quickly, I felt the wind whiplash across my face. The air suddenly became strong, whipping against the trees. I saw the tree's around us begin to tremble and the night sky suddenly looked darker.

"Why does everyone assume I did something." Meredith spat out through gritted teeth.

I was confused by her words but I saw Emma and Vivian widen their eyes in surprise.

"I-" Emma tried.

"I didn't do anything." Meredith spat harshly, "I had nothing to do with this so don't try to blame it on me." Her voice never raised but her threat was as clear as day.


"Know nothing." Meredith snarled at Emma, her eyes dangerously bright. "You. Know. Nothing." She repeated harshly, staring dead straight into Emma's eyes.

Emma stared shell shocked at Meredith harsh tone. Even I had to admit my Wolf and I were worried. This Ren character obviously was more than just a past lover, he was something more. But I didn't know what. My memories from William Crescent showed nobody looking slightly familiar to Ren; none that I could recall anyways..

"We should go." I said, breaking the tense silence; Emma had tears in her eyes while Meredith looked ready to snap. "Royal Nicholas will be waiting for us. My Pack is close by, we can start walking."

Meredith was already walking before I finished my sentence. Vivian gently tugged on Emma's shoulder, trying to get her to move. Val quickly trotted to Meredith's side, not before hissing at Emma threateningly.

A sob left Emma's throat just as she lifted her hand to cover her face. I felt pity towards Emma but also anger. I disliked how she accused Meredith, my mate, of something she did not do. I didn't know what they were talking about but I trusted Meredith -as strange as that was. If Meredith said she did nothing with that much intensity then I was positive she did nothing.

I saw my Pack gather just in time for me to be able to catch up to Meredith. I gestured my head to the two women and quickly ran towards my mate.

It wasn't difficult since Meredith was only walking. It was only a matter of seconds before I was walking quietly by her side. I didn't say anything in case she exploded but I wanted her to know that I was here.

I glanced back to see Zach had began leading Emma and Vivian to Royal Nicholas. He gave me a worried look but I simply shook my head. Meredith needed space away from everybody, especially Emma. I wanted to give her as much space as I could.

We continued to walk in silence for a couple of seconds before Meredith suddenly came to an abrupt halt. I stopped, a couple of feet away from her.

The fighting had stopped a while ago. Ren had been true to his word and left without much of a sound. Zach had informed me that they were close to the meeting sight.

Meredith stood in front of me, arms crossed and eyes distant. I didn't actually know whether she knew where she was. She seemed to be in some sort of trance, her face showed no sign of her earlier anger. Instead it was stoic, empty and vacant.

"I did nothing." She said, her voice casual.

I stood in front of her, arms by my side. I looked directly into Meredith's eyes but she wasn't looking at me. It was as though she was not even here, like her soul had left her body.

"I didn't do anything." She repeated, this time turning her head up to meet my eyes. "Nothing."

The look in her eyes made my Wolf howl in pain. I was looking into the eyes of a girl who had lost everything and lived for nothing. She had seen more than anyone in the world should have to see and lived more than anyone should live. It wasn't vulnerability really, but it was the closest thing Meredith would ever get to being vulnerable.

"You did nothing." I repeated her words, simply to let her hear my voice. "Nothing wrong."

Meredith dropped her head, her hair covering her face. I momentarily panicked, thinking I angered her. My mind wheeled with things I should say to apologize when she snapped.

I was more than shocked when Meredith took a few steps and closed the distance between us. She rested her head on my shoulder, her arms still crossed across her chest. I still could not see her face but my heart was beating out of control, my Wolf howling with joy.

"I did nothing." Meredith said once again, this time her voice was flat and cold but her body had a light tremble.

Hesitantly I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close to me. When Meredith made no move to move away, I relaxed and pulled her closer. I gently kissed the side of her head, and rested my chin on top of her.

"You did nothing wrong." I reassured her, gently running my hands through her hair. "Absolutely nothing." 


(A/N) - I'm going to make this quick! What do you guys think? How's the new cover? Please tell me your thoughts! Hope you enjoyed :D! 

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