"Your probably right, but we shouldn't get involved."

"He got us involved when he decided to invite you for a 'date'." Gabby mused, but I just shoved them the other way before he could see us. We basically almost ran and finally reached the glassed doors.

"Ugh, Skylar!"

"Will you two shut up?" I whisper-yelled.

When we got to the car, I breathed a sigh of relief. "It wasn't like he confirmed it was a date, either," I said but they both continued to stare daggers at me.


"You worry too much about things that aren't even necessary to worry about." Clara turned back around in the passenger seat, and I simply rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, can we go home now? I'm tired." I yawned for emphasis as we pulled off the parking lot and into the street. I still couldn't believe Taylor would actually do something like that. He looked like a genuine and loyal guy.

I guess faces we see, faces we don't know.

It was midnight and I was currently seated in front of my window staring intently at the coming movement that came from Scott's bedroom. It was getting harder and harder to see because of the constant rain blurring out our windows.

I wasn't surprised that he was still awake.

Every time we used to hang out together, we would be together, and we would be awake this late at night.

I hated that I felt this need to at least see what he was doing at this time of night. I remember one night we recklessly had gone to the field without thinking about the consequences. We realized the mistake we'd did when we got home and found cops outside our house with his parents and my mom.

It had suddenly become our time of the day.

It somewhat felt that I was closer to him this way. It oddly felt like a comforting thing to stare at his window now since we don't hang out together like we used to.

"I like this one better, don't you?" I asked Scott. The record player in his room began to play and I bobbed my head at the soft rock music that came on. I made sure to keep the volume down considering his parents were asleep in the next room.

"I like it if you do," he whispered as I went to lay right beside him on the bed. He kissed my forehead and propped his hands around my waist.

He finally shut his eyes and I looked at the flutter of his eyes until I knew he was fully asleep.

It suddenly became my favorite thing to do every single night.

I rolled my eyes as the distant memory of us came to me. They were good memories that only were meant to last temporarily.

I hate that since the day he asked about Taylor kept on bugging me because I felt as if he was jealous. It was so obvious.

I shut the bedroom curtain that gave me a view of his bedroom and at the same time I did this I could've sworn I saw his figure move away from his window.

I ignored it and moved away.

I wasn't expecting basketball games at school to become such a thing for us, but they were now because Scott was a basketball player now.

The supportive friends we were decided to come and watch his first game.

I sat on the bleachers beside the guys and the girls on my other side and we watched as they played and scored. It went like this until the game was over and we stood up, getting ready to leave.

Endless Fields And PromisesWhere stories live. Discover now