"I never liked you working with my daughter." Han declares when the crew is only a yard away from us. Tilting his head and letting out a breath, Han adds while pointing his blaster at one man in particular. "... And I don't like you working with my son either."

"Trust me, Solo." The man that Han singled out speaks up with a smirk growing on his lips. "I much rather be working closely with your tempting... And lovely daughter than your son-"

Before I even know it, I pull the trigger and blast the man speaking about Evangeline in the chest. I didn't like his tone, his words, or that shit-eating smirk on the guy's face when he spoke of my sweetheart. His crew all face me, slightly stunned I shot first, but out of the corner of my eye I see Chewie chuckling and Han smirking at the group.

In a blink of an eye, blasts go off as if this is a western show down. The gang is quick to shoot, but Chewie, Han and I are faster. I dodge one blast, all the while shooting two of the crew members; one in the chest and another in the neck. Chewie blasts two men at either ends of the group and Han shoots three in a row like he's shooting glass bottles in a line.

The Gauvian Death gang members all drop dead like flies in a matter of seconds. Not a single one is alive or even nicked us, and with that, the Gauvian Death gang is no more. Peering over to Han, I meet his gaze and he nods at me before his eyes go to something behind me.

His steadfast expression suddenly turns to alarm, making me glance over my shoulder. That's when I see Kylo Ren and Evangeline off to the side of the arena. I can barely see them through First Order stormtroopers and Resistance soldiers, though I can make out just enough to see their skills with a blade.

I've never seen Evangeline fighting someone with her saber, let alone against someone else with one of their own. Staring at them in the distance and through the battle, I can't help but stand in awe at the sight I see. Ben and Evangeline's attacks aren't sloppy or reckless; they're rapid and precise, as if they're dancing.

The two siblings twist around one another as they intercept and attack one another. They move their sabers as if it's a part of them and every step they take seems calculated. I watch Eva striding forward and her brother shuffles backwards as their saber hit against one another repeatedly on either side of them.

Nothing around them seems to matter as they attack one another. It's as if it's just them in this arena and they're fighting a war between them that's long overdue. Gulping as I see the red and green sabers clashing together, I glance to Han and find him staring at the scene with the same expression I have.


However, we don't get a second longer to watch the duel of fates from a blast flying between us. Instantly and together, Han, Chewie and I put our backs toward one another to shoot at the incoming stormtroopers. Though with all the fire coming my way, all I can think about is Evangeline.

Finn's P.O.V.

"Over there! That's where they are!"

I announce when seeing commotion in an arena off to the side of the First Order base. The pilot in command of this ship nods before notifying the rest of the Republic's fleet to circle back around to the arena. Peering down as we fly closer to the arena, I find hell below me in the center of the arena.

Blasts are going off from both the Resistance and the First Order. Light sabers of all colors spread around the arena, with blasts flying all around. However, only a red and green saber is attacking one another off to the side. As we lower in the sky, I notice stormtroopers forcing the Resistance into the center to surround them.

"Have a dozen cruisers land in the arena. The rest stay in the air and prepare for attack." 

I shout to the pilot while scanning the bloodbath underneath us. The First Order will soon have ships in the air to strike us, but we need to get the Resistance out of the arena before it becomes a bloodbath in the sky. Clenching my jaw, I then command hastily while ships lower themselves into the arena.

Built To Fall | Poe DameronWhere stories live. Discover now