"Victoria?" Alice questioned

"Yeah, Victorias been around" Bella mumbled

"I didn't see her. I didn't see either of you getting pulled out of the water either. I can't see past you and your pack of mutts" Alice sneered but the term struck a nerve in Jacob

"Don't get me upset"

Bella: "Hey stop"

"Or things are gonna get ugly" Hazel moved in front of Jacob and held her hand out to stop him getting closer, baring her blue eyes. Jacob looked at her and nodded stepping back but when she swayed he held his arms out to her, making sure she was upright

"Hey, you okay?" She nodded and blinked a few times to get rid of the darkness that surrounding the outside of her view

"What's wrong with her?" Alice questioned worriedly

"You guys" Jacob growled
"You guys did this to her" Bella looked between jacob and Alice wanting nothing more than to speak to both of them

"Me and Hazel will give you guys a minute" Alice took hazels frail hand in her own and moved outside but the cold air against hazels wet skin wasn't any good

"What happened whilst we was away?" Alice questioned but Hazel knew better than to tell the truth

"Nothing, everything's been the same" Alice frowned and looked down to the young girl. Of course Alice knew she was lying, she always did when it came to Hazel

"Hazel. Please, you're my best friend" she let in a small breath and started her explanation

"You guys just left me. You were my family. And you left me. I'm dying" she whispered not looking to see the reaction from Alice
"I have been since Jasper left. At first I lost my appetite but I made sure I was doing everything. Eating and sleeping despite the fact that my chest burned from being away from him. But then my hair started changing. It was a physical sign that I shouldn't be apart from Him. I couldn't keep anything down. Jack said my body was rejecting what it needs to keep me alive and for the past few weeks I've been running off basically nothing"

"So you tired to kill yourself?"

"Im not just in mental agony Alice. My chest hurts like there's a blade In it all the time. I miss him like crazy and I can't sleep because I get nightmares every night. my life has been torture and I'm sorry I did it for all the people that would be upset? But what about m-me!? I have to live like this because I want to keep everyone else happy!? They'll forget about me forget the pain of me dying. But I'll always be like this alice. And I can't do it" Alice pulled hazel into a hug, her normal temperature comforting hazel more than she realised

"I get it" she whispered
"I understand" when they pulled away Alice gasped, her eyes clouding over

"What is it?" Hazel questioned once she was back. Alice grabbed her hand and led her back into the house quickly

"Bella. It's Edward, and Jasper. They think you guys are dead. Rosalie told them told them why I came here" they turned to Jacob

"Why would you.. why didn't you let me speak to him?" Bella sneered angrily

"he didn't ask for you"

"I dont care!"

"Bella. They're going to the volturi. They want to die too" Jasper had told her about the volturi. how they are like the government from them out and enforce the law but she didn't know how they related to this


They had packed up anything they could, clothes and all and they had jumped into a car to Italy, despite the fact that Jacob wanted Bella to stay

Hazel herself had spoken to the pack and her uncle, who was mad at her for the cliff, but they knew that she had to go to Italy


IT WAS OFFICIALLY HAZELS BIRTHDAY. AND SHE WAS IMMORTAL. BUT DESPITE THAT SHE WAS STILL ILL, SHE JUST WOULDNT DIE FROM IT, PROBABLY. They had gotten on a plane and got in a sports car to make their way to the boys

"i'm guessing you didn't rent this car" Bella questioned when she realised how quick and carelessly Alice was driving. She had a scarf around her neck and head so that she wouldn't be spotted in the sun that was blistering in the sky above them

"I figured you wouldn't be open to grand theft auto"

"Not today. What? What do you see?" Bella questioned as Alice's eyes clouded over

"They refused them"


"they are going to make a scene. show themes to the humans"

"No! When?"

"they're gonna wait until noon when the Sun is at its highest"

"Alice, you gotta hurry up"

"There's Volterra" Alice pointed out the city and that seemed close yet far at the same time

When they got into the city they noticed that everyone was in red robes and was crowding the way to the tower

"why are they all in red?"

"San Marcos day festival. there, rating the expulsion of vampires from the city. It's the perfect setting. The Volturi will never let them get far enough to reveal themselves"

"We have 5 minutes" Bella stressed. Hazel looked out of the windows as she bit her nails nervously

"Bella, just breathe" they continued up but once they got to a certain section they weren't allowed to drive any further. So Bella and Hazel got out

"Bella. You guys are the only ones they can't see coming. If I go he'll read my thoughts. He'll think I'm lying. He'll rush into it" Jack had taught Hazel how to keep a wall up so no one's powers can penetrate her mind, even whilst she was sleeping so she knew Edward wouldn't read her either

"Where do we go?"

"they'll be under the clock tower. Go!" The girls broke into sprints. Their urge to save Edward and Jasper making them push faster through the hundreds of people that blocked their way but once she got far enough Hazel could feel herself getting weaker

She almost stopped, before she felt her body being taken over. She pushed and ran faster till she got up to the see the clock tower and once she got there she saw both Edward and Jasper step out of the building

The bell rung, and Hazel ran through the fountain, not stopping until she had cling to Jasper who had his arms around her

"Jasper" she whispered trying to cover him
"Jasper move out of the way" Jasper opened his eyes which then widened in shock as he looked at Hazel and he then moved back into the tower Edward and Bella had just gone into

She got down off of him and turned away not knowing what to do or say

"You're here" he whispered bringing her into a hug
"You're alive" his hand reached up to her fully white hair and looked down at her, his motions going stiff once he realised the state she was in
"What? What happened?" She opened her mouth but nothing came out and she just ended up sighing. She didn't know what to say. What to tell him

Endlessly alone - Jasper hale [2] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now