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Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


But she didn't realise her surroundings till they were in front of Bella's house and Bella was out of the car

"Look, if a Cullen is back here, this is their territory. Treaty says we can only defend on our own lands. I can't protect you here" as soon as she heard the the Cullens were back Hazel was quietly out of the truck and made her way into Bella's house

"Hazel?" Alice whispered, her eyes widening in shock as she saw the girl. She looked completely different. A head full of white hair, clothes too big and wet on her her body. Her eyes were the same but around them she had eye bags and sunken in cheeks whilst she was very much underweight

Bella walked in next and gasped once she saw Alice

"Oh my god" she muttered brining Alice into a hug


"I'm sorry, I just- I can't believe you're here. Is.."

"would you like to explain to me how you're both alive?"

Bella: "What?"

"I saw a vision of both of you. You guys jumped off a cliff. why in the hell would you try and kill yourself? I mean what about your families? what about-?"

"I didn't try to kill myself. I was cliff jumping. recreationally. I was fun" Alice sighed and turned to Hazel who looked away

"You- Hazel. Why?" Hazel let off a small scoff and turned away

"Did you tell him?" Bella's asked thankfully taking the attention off her

"No. they only calling once every few months. they say they want to be alone. Bella, what is that god-awful wet dog smell?" Bella shook off the coat jacob had given her

"That's probably me. Or it's Jacob"

"Jacob who?"

"Jacob is kind of a werewolf" Alice let out a sigh

"Bella werewolves are not good company to keep"

"Speak for yourself" Jacob said walking in. Alice turned to him shocked at the sight of a werewolf in Bella's home
"I had to see if you were safe" he explained to Bella

"I thought you couldn't protect me here?" Bella asked the boy

"Guess i dont care"

"Well i'm not going to hurt them" Alice stated the obvious

"No you're just a harmless Cullen I'm talking about the other bloodsucker that tried to kill Bella and Hazel because of you"

"Jacob, I told you. It was my fault-" Hazel started but she was cut off by Alice. She had told the pack all about Victoria and how they were after her and Bella since her mate got killed

Endlessly alone - Jasper hale [2] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now