Chapter 93

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TL/N: Refer to Chapter 1, Sujebi is a hand-pulled dough soup, or Korean-style pasta soup, which is a Korean traditional soup consisting of dough flakes roughly torn by hand, with various vegetables.

"How do I do this?"

"You can take a small amount like this and put it inside."

Luana tore the dough and put it into the pot.

Bubble bubble.

Every time she put the dough, the water bubbled up and down. He watched the dough in the hot broth and followed Luana's steps. It seemed very easy, but it was quite difficult to do.

When they ran out of dough, Luana looked into the pot silently. Then, this time, she started to add vegetables that took only a short time to cook. The chopped zucchini and the diced green onion went inside the pot.

"You can add more ingredients, but I like it just like this."

Luana talked to Legion with a big smile. He thought she might be sad by now, but she was Luana, after all.

"It'll be done in a moment."

As they watched the boiling pot, the two remained silent. She didn't know what to say, but the atmosphere was not awkward. She liked this peaceful and quiet moment.

'Can we do this again next time?'

That was a mystery. At that time, Legion, looking at the boiling pot, talked first.

"Come to think of it, I think you were very special."

"Me? What are you talking about? Wasn't I normal?"

Legion smiled quietly at Luana's rebuttal.

"Usually, people don't eat cheese jerky before they die."

"But I made that with my hard work. If I died without eating that, that would be unfair."

"Yes, because everything you make is delicious. It's understandable."

"Right? I'm not strange."

"Yes, let's say so."

In the meantime, the sujebi was boiled. Luana carefully turned off the fire and stirred her pot with the ladle. Then she divided the sujebi into a large bowl.

"Let's eat."

Unlike the main building, the annex kitchen had a small dining table, brought in at Luana's request. It may be said that it is undignified, but there was a time when Luana enjoyed freshly made food here or sat idly. And now she sits at the table to eat sujebi with Legion.

First, Legion took a sip of the soup. The soup with the hint taste of seafood somewhat felt cozy. As he eats the warm soup, he felt his body warming up. Next, he savored the ingredients made by separating flour. The dough, which had become soft at the edges due to boiling in the broth, passed through the throat without even chewing it a few times.

"There are times when it leaves a little hard at the center of the dough, but I like it to be soft after boiling a lot."

Luana gave him more explanation, but he couldn't hear it. At this moment, he could only feel sujebi going down his throat.

"It's delicious."

"There's more."

"That's fortunate."

Legion held the spoon and looked at the empty bowl. In a way, the food seemed to be ordinary, but food doesn't just serve to fulfill one's stomach; but also it nourishes the body and calms and enriches the mind. Something awakened in him. He suddenly thought about his forgotten memories and emotions.

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