Chapter 9

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"Another plate."

"What? Yes!"

As soon as Luana put another plate, he pushed the plate to Luana. Then, she sliced the meatloaf with a knife and fork and put it on the plate. 'You want me to check if it's poisonous, right? But why did you eat the rice balls last night?' Luana looked at the Duke with a questioning look.



It was a very uncomfortable situation, but she was hungry, so she picked up a fork. She cut the meat into bite-size pieces and ate it. The juice leaked and flowed into her mouth when she chewed the meat. It tasted mild yet rich.


Luana unknowingly trembled in happiness. Meat is never wrong! Besides, she used quality meat usually used to serve to the King. It was different from the meat she usually ate. Soaked in bliss, she put the second slice of meat into her mouth.

"Oh my, oh my!"

She opened her mouth because the meat was still hot and huffed.

'As expected, I'm a genius!'

After devouring the meat diligently while praising herself, she ate the potato salad. She believed that she had to eat only enough meat to convey the taste properly when eating meat dishes. Handmade mayonnaise went very well with quality potatoes. If needed, adding some sugar would be perfect.

The Duke showed his strong appetite again today and finished the breakfast rapidly. It was astonishing how fast he ate while maintaining his elegant attitude. The meatloaf, deliberately baked in a large mold, disappeared instantly. The same was true for the potato salad, which was made in a bowl to pass the time.

Finally, she ate bread. Although it was cold, she tore the white and soft bread like chicken breast. As soon as she put it in her mouth, it melted down, leaving a savory taste at the end. One loaf of bread disappeared in an instant. Then she picked up another bread and ate it slowly this time. Every time the teeth bit the bread, it left a tooth mark intact.

She immediately felt better. So when she met the Duke's eyes after she finished eating, She smiled all the time. After a while, she remembered what kind of notoriety the other person had and quickly erased her smile. Seeing her do so, The Duke had a strange look.

"You smiled."

"You just imagined it!"

"No, you smiled."

'Am I going to die if I smiled? You're not going to stab me with a knife, are you?' She was very nervous, but nothing happened.

"I need to wash."

After saying those words, the Duke got up and went straight to the bathroom. She was worried that she might be asked to attend to him, but that didn't happen.

'Yeah, I thought it wouldn't happen either.'

The Duke soon came back from the bathroom not long after. He washed up, but water dripped to the floor because he didn't dry his hair properly. And yet didn't mind and hung a towel over his hair. Then he stared at Luana.

"You are shabby."

'I'm sorry for being shabby! But I didn't have time to wash up or change my clothes!' The duke summoned a knight as she pouted.

"Bring some maids."

As soon as the words fell, the knight dragged some maids from somewhere. They were all trembling in fear. They seemed to be afraid that they would be faced with something difficult at any moment. However, the order the Duke gave them was surprisingly simple.

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