Chapter 44

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"Beware of His Majesty."

Not long after he got into the carriage, the duke spoke. Like last time, he was strangely wary of the emperor.

'Wasn't he the one who originally swore allegiance?'

When she had doubts, he added more explanations as if he had noticed her.

"His Majesty loves anything unique and he wants to have it."

For example, Ingrid. But Luana thought there was nothing unique about her. Except for being a witch, she was no different from ordinary people. The duke snorted at the point.

"Even if you are a witch, you are unique."

"What do you mean?"

"Think about it yourself."

Even though she didn't know what he meant, as she was pondering, the duke looked at her with an absurd expression.

"Think about the first time you met me."

"Oh, the cheese jerky!"

Luana recalled the situation with food. As expected, she is unique. Who eats cheese jerky when they're about to die? And it brings back memories of that time!

"But it was like a supper before death."

"People don't normally do that."

Who else can open a cheese jerky in such a tense situation? However, Luana did not readily acknowledge her uniqueness. She was just pouting her lips and groaning.

Meanwhile, the carriage came to a stop at the Imperial Palace.

As soon as the door opened, Luana tried to jump, but she paused at the sight of the person in front of her.


Ingrid, who had gained more weight than before, was waiting for Luana right in front of her.


Ingrid's eyes were teary while running towards her and calling Luana's name. She jumped out of the carriage and was immediately hugged by her. For the first time in her life, she was in Ingrid's arms. Luana was confused; even though she calls her sister, she doesn't fully recognize her as her family yet. It was hard to accept all the overflowing emotions.

It was the duke who saved Luana. He gently pulled Luana apart from Ingrid and then held Luana's hands.

'No, why are you doing that here?'

She managed to swallow the words about to pop out of her mouth. Luana looked before her and saw Ingrid's teary blue eyes burning. The gaze was full of hatred.

'It's not something you can understand.'

The emperor gave the war order, but it was the duke who carried it out. For Ingrid, he was also an object of hatred.

"Let go of Luana."

It was Ingrid who spoke up first.

"I don't want to."

He used to speak casually in the past, but now the duke was speaking formally. That probably means that Ingrid's presence with the emperor has grown that much.

"Luana is not yours. Please let go of her right now."

"She is mine."

"Isn't that your delusion? Can you be sure that Luana wants this, too?"

Ingrid pointed out the facts sharply with her sneer. Then the duke's arm, which was holding Luana, was loosened.

"It doesn't matter if Luana wants me or not."

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