Chapter 7

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When all the princesses are gathered, where would be the abandoned princess?

'Of course I would be on the floor! This isn't the type of floor that was in Korea! This floor was made with hard stones.' Luana sadly muttered and curled on the floor.

Ingrid, who was watching her curling, called Luana.

"Come up here."

Of course, Luana went up excitedly. 'It's a bed! A bed!'

"Sister, I love you!"


Suddenly the door opened violently. Surprised at the sound, she jumped up and found the Duke standing at the door with his one foot raised.

'Why do you open the door with your feet when you have your hands?'

She swallowed the words she wanted to say. Surprised by the noise, the princesses woke up and looked at the door. Among them was Ingrid, who was lying comfortably.


As soon as she looked at the Duke, Ingrid asked,

"What kind of disrespect is this?"

The sight of her holding the hem of her disheveled dress with her hands and asking the Duke was a wonderful feast for Luana's eyes. 'Oh, my God. Even the messed up blonde hair is as pretty as if it's intentional.' The Duke came inside while Luana admired Ingrid.

He ignored Ingrid's question. Every time his gaze scanned the room, the princesses turned their gazes. Of course, no princess did the opposite. They wanted to survive somehow.

"What are you doing?"

Ingrid interrupted and asked again. And once more, the Duke ignored her question.

As Luana observed, there was a shadow covering her. 'How many times a day does this guy have an ominous hunch!'.

Luana clasped her hands together and slowly raised her head. The man standing right in front of her curved his lips and smiled.

"There you are."

"H-here I am!"

"Follow me."


She asked if he had mistaken her for another princess, but the only answer was in the Duke's fierce eyes. As she stood up, Ingrid caught Luana.

"Why do you keep bothering my sister? Why don't you just take me away instead of her?!"

'It was worth giving her the half rice ball! She shared her bed with me, and now she tried to stop the Duke!'. Luana looked at Ingrid with sparkling eyes.

'As expected, you are a good person.' The Duke narrowed his eyes at Ingrid. The corners of his mouth and eyes curved, making him look like he was smiling. But good things don't happen when he smiles! Because he had a bad personality!

"If you want to."

The Duke called the knight who was standing outside the door.

"Put her in a dungeon."

The knight naturally tried to catch Luana, but the Duke stopped him.

"Not this one, that one."

Just now, Ingrid's expression, who was calling her sister and shouting that she would rather be imprisoned instead of her sister, became confused. 'Is it really me?' That was her expression.

The knight carefully grabbed Ingrid and dragged her outside. 'The knight treated her carefully while the Duke treated me like a sack of wheat!'

Luana was angry, but it was all in the past. The other princesses remained silent as the knight took Ingrid to the dungeon. Only then did the Duke, who looked satisfied, signal to Luana.

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