Chapter 30

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'Then don't make me uncomfortable, butler.'

Luana crouched in the corner of an old wooden bed and hugged her skirt. It was very uncomfortable. There were bugs on the moldy, dirty walls. It was strangely chilly, making her body shiver. She crouched as much as she could, but she couldn't stop the shiver.

'Is it just me? I felt like I heard a human sobbing voice from somewhere.'

At that time, Luana saw the walls full of stains that looked like blood. Maybe it's a real bloodstain. Because this was a dungeon that locked up criminals, Luana was sure she'd be tortured, too. That thought made Luana shudder even more.

Besides, Luana was concerned about the two chairs in the corner. One was covered with a fabric, and the other was not. Among the two, The chair that was covered by the fabric bothered her.

'It's my fate.'

She doesn't know what crimes she has committed in her previous life that made her only come to the dungeon for a second time. She thought it was because of the man she saw at the market.  She didn't know who the hell he was.

As Luana thought about it, Probably she was someone that related to the kingdom or the witch. She couldn't think of anything other than those two cases.

Luana leaned against the wall with a sigh and soon freaked out.

"Bugs! Bugs!"

And after shaking her body like crazy, she crouched back on the bed.

"I really don't know."

She felt like she was going to cry. It was sad and unfair. Even in this situation, she seemed foolish to worry about the duke's meal.

'The one who locked me up here is the duke.'

She couldn't help but worry about someone who didn't care about her. Luana bit her lips tightly because now was not the time to worry about the duke but the time to hate him.

"A bad guy. Stupid, dim-witted."

She stomped her feet, picking swear words to curse him. Luana wasn't particularly good at swearing in her previous life, but she tried to squeeze her brain out as much as possible. She did this because she couldn't stand the injustice.

"Poopy head, anemone."

And then, she heard a familiar voice.

"What's an anemone?"

It was the duke. Before she knew it, he was standing in front of the thick iron bars, looking at Luana.

"It's an ugly creature that lives in the sea."

Luana added a little extra explanation. She often sees the duke, but strangely, now he feels frightening. So did the people standing behind him. The duke came with two middle-aged men she had never seen before as he opened the iron bars door and entered.

Unconsciously, Luana pulled her body backward, and her back hit the wall. She was terrified of the bug on the walls, but she couldn't care less because she wanted to get away from the duke as much as possible.

'Why did he do this?'

She blinked her eyes nervously and just realized why. His red eyes looked at Luana were colder than usual.

"A-are you angry because I said you're a sea anemone?"

She asked carefully, but the duke did not answer. He simply dragged a chair from inside the prison and sat on it. Then the two people behind him pulled a small tray and went inside.

Seeing this, Luana recalled her past. The things she saw when she was imprisoned in a dungeon in the kingdom.


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