Chapter 50

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[The princess and the knight lived happily ever after.]


He doesn't know how many books he has already read. But the duke could not yet define love. Because he thought it was an overly abstract emotion. It was difficult for him to understand the meaning, especially about the concept of love at first sight.

'How can you fall in love with someone you see for the first time? Is that possible?'

The duke thought seriously. It seems impossible, but the book says it's possible.

Not only that, but Vyan said so too.

"Is it possible to fall in love at first sight?" Of course, it's possible."

"How? How do you know what kind of person she is? What would you do if she turned out to be a criminal or a murderer? Plus, to fall in love at first sight means the person only looked at the person's appearance. Is that true love?"

Upon hearing the question, Vyan looked fed up. He was getting tired of answering the duke's questions who asked while reading the books.

"Isn't it more important to know about how you feel?"

"I don't know what you mean."

"Really? Actually, I don't know anymore."

"Aren't you a love expert?"

Vyan sighed deeply.

"If you try to deal with the other person with all these conditions in mind, it will be difficult to fall in love."

"But shouldn't I have the basics first?"

"As it is, when you fall in love, the other parties' flaws become invisible."

Legion didn't understand that either. But he couldn't know about love without understanding this. That said, it would make the curse more difficult to break. The duke opened the next book with a calm expression.

After seeing this, Vyan sat down on the sofa again. Then he noticed the duke reading a book and secretly stood up from his seat. He was going to go out for a while and then come back. The duke seemed to notice him, but he didn't stop Vyan because he's been like that since the first time.


When he left the room, he felt like he could barely breathe.


Vyan sighed deeply and walked down the hallway. He then found a woman. She was cute, but somehow she had a dull impression. Looking at her dress, she didn't look like a maid. Suddenly, he seemed to come back to life. Vyan spoke to her cheerfully.



She also accepted his greeting with a smile. Vyan felt more energized. Vyan looked at her with a gentle smile.

'Who is this guy?'

Luana looked at the man smiling and greeting right in front of her. She has been avoiding the duke lately, so she hasn't heard about the current news in the mansion, so she didn't know why Vyan was called.

"May I ask your name?"

It wasn't difficult.

"It's Luana."

"Luana, do you work in the mansion?"


She answered that because it is correct, she cooks in the mansion.

"That's surprising. I thought Luana was a noble lady. Your presence is overflowing with dignity."

'What is this? A casanova?'

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