Chapter 28

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Even after returning from the imperial palace, the thoughts of Ingrid did not leave her head. That's probably the last time she saw her. Their time together was short, but they seemed to have grown attached.

However, for Luana, there was nothing else she could do. If she wanted to go to the imperial palace, she needed the duke's permission. To see Ingrid there, she'll also have to get permission from the emperor. Her heart was pounding, but she couldn't help it.

Luana shook her head.

'Let's think about the problem first!'

She suddenly stood up and dusted her clothes. She put the cloak over her pretty dress that she tried for the first time and was ready to go out.

Knock knock-

The butler asked with a knock on the door.

"Are you ready?"


"The duke is waiting."

When she followed the butler outside, the duke was waiting for Luana in front of the carriage. That's right; today is the day the market opens once every five days. It was the day the duke decided to take Luana to the market.

As he was always wearing a black uniform, he was especially wearing lighter color today. Black hair, red eyes, well-tanned skin, a white shirt, and black pants matched perfectly. After Luana looked lost for a while, she returned to her sense and ran quickly to the carriage.

The duke extended his hand to Luana. She stared at him blankly, wondering what he wanted her to do, so he grabbed her hand and helped her enter the carriage.

'As expected of a knight!'

Soon the duke went into the carriage, and the wheels began to roll; Luana couldn't suppress her excitement. She had sneaked out of the kingdom palace and went to the market, but this was at the empire! According to what she had researched, there are no items that are not available in the market of the empire. It was the same with the food ingredients.

The Duke prepared most of the ingredients, but it was just okay. What Luana meant was there are no unique ingredients.

'Maybe I can find the ingredients from my original world!'

It was a situation where Luana couldn't help but be excited. A small hum resounded through the noise of the carriage rolling. The duke looked at Luana at the sound. She looked out of the window, humming, looking very happy. So he looked out of the window quietly, too. It's just a scene that he always saw, but the fact that it looks different from someone else was a surprise.

"We're here!"

The carriage stopped a little far from the market.

"Let's go."

Again the Duke extended his hand, but Luana jumped first. The dress that went up to her ankles fluttered in the wind. It looked like a butterfly dancing in the spring breeze, and he paused for a moment.

"Let's go!"

However, the Duke laughed for a moment as he saw Luana speaking in her usual cheerful voice. For a moment, he seemed to have misunderstood something.


Since the entrance of the market, Luana could not close her mouth. The scale was different from the kingdom's market, and there were many people.

"Ah! Uh! Ack!"

Luana, who had been bumped by people thrice in a short time, looked teary. Although she was careful, it was difficult to avoid everyone passing by. Sometimes, she was swept away by the waves of people and almost became distant from the duke.

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