Chapter 76

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Legion knew that he was not a normal person. From an early age, he suffered from the curse and wandered on the battlefield. There was no way such a person would grow up to be someone decent.

So, when he discovered his curse was getting worse, he thought he should avoid Luana. He couldn't stand it if Luana looked at him with a face full of hatred. He would stay away from her until he found a solution to the curse. However, he realized now Luana looked at him with a worried expression.

Legion thought, maybe Luana will accept his change? But on the other hand, he was still insecure. The only thing Luana was holding was a small lantern; all she could see was his face and bloody sleeves. When he realized he wanted to step back, Luana suddenly reached out and grabbed his hem.

"Don't go."

Luana spoke firmly, and her face was hardened, but she was not scared of him. It encouraged Legion.

'I've never been so scared on a battlefield before.'

Legion stood still and looked at Luana. Even though he said it wasn't his blood, she was anxious and looked carefully again. Then she let out a sigh of relief and relaxed her expression.

"You're not injured. What blood is this?"

Legion answered obediently.

"Marquis Livre."

Luana's eyes widened. She has heard many surprises lately.

"Did you catch him?"


Luana seemed to think for a moment but soon shook her head. She didn't care what happened to him or what the Legion had done to him. She may point her finger at herself for being selfish, but more importantly, what Marquis Livre did to her was unforgivable.

"Aren't you hungry?"

Luana naturally changed the topic.

"I'm hungry."

"But, you had a lot for dinner."

Luana walked calmly to the kitchen, and Legion quietly followed in Luana's footsteps. The knight who was in charge of Luana looked puzzled, but soon he waved his hand, and he quickly disappeared. Now there were only two people in the dark hallway.

Walking in the lonely hallway together was good, so he hoped this road would continue constantly. Of course, that wish did not come true because they had arrived in the kitchen.

"I'll cook you a light meal."

Luana said that while picking up some food ingredients. But now, Legion knew, food couldn't satisfy the hunger he was feeling.

"Forget about the food."

"What? But you said you were hungry."

"I'm hungry. But what I am talking about is a little different."

Legion approached Luana and stood beside her. The only thing that illuminates the kitchen is the lanterns and the moonlight coming through the window, but they still can see each other's faces.

Looking up at Legion in wonder, Luana soon realized what he meant. It was not food that he wanted.

Legion's red eyes were submerged in desire, looking down at Luana with a hungry look.

'No? Haven't there been any signs of this before?'

They've been doing nothing until now. Even in the early days when they shared a bed, nothing happened between them. After that, while they were together, she didn't see any woman close to him. Luana thought she could seduce him, but still, she was a little perplexed by the sudden change of response.

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