
I didn't know what to think at all, but I was so incredibly worried about Etho. When he had woken up from the dream and said those things... it was so unlike him. It was clear his mind and memories had been tampered with. Each day he seemed to grow more and more distant. He acted cold and sometimes outright ignored me. He wasn't him.

I sat in a small chair that had been out beside Ren's makeshift throne. For the time being we had set up in Hermitopia, for it was plentiful with resources and we didn't want the Hermits back here. Scott had been coming everyday to check on us, making sure we had plenty of rest our es. He had an Empire to run so he couldn't stay all day. Tango and Scar and taken residence here as they wouldn't be welcome at their original 'homes'. 

I was beginning to question if I'd made the right choice appointing Ren as king of Hermitcraft. I'd thought Ren would've learnt after ThirdLife. Ren was one of the most cheerful and friendly of the Hermits, but he was easily corrupted when power was handed to him. I should've realised that sooner, I thought bitterly. But either way I couldn't change the past, and I had to live with that fact. Or do I? I shook away the traitorous thoughts with a sigh. No, I would not betray Ren.

"Bdoubleo" I jumped in surprise at Ren's voice. I looked up to see Ren standing in the entrance, clearly waiting for me. Ren was dressed in ruby red robes which were inlaid with diamonds. He looked very regal with his hair pulled back in a messy ponytail and his ears pricked forward, but his eyes held the glint of a madman.

"Yes my liege?" I stood up and bowed, looking up at him.

"Can I trust you?" The question rang loud and clear. My pulse quickened immediately.

"Yes of course" I replied quickly, almost too quickly, "have you ever had reason to doubt my loyalty?"

"I have not" Ren stepped closer, "and I'd like to keep it that way". Ren's piercing blue eyes stared at me through the diamond encrusted sunglasses. I gulped.

"Anyway" Ren's tone relaxed, "we need to find Grian, so I am sending you and Etho on a scouting mission. Etho will give you the details on the way".

"But what if you are attacked?" I responded, "we won't be here to protect you".

"I have Tango, Scar and Scott to protect me" Ren dismissed him, "besides, I think I'm capable of holding my own".

"Of course" I bowed my head, "we shall leave immediately".

Ren nodded his head and turned away, suggesting the conversation was over. I also turned around and headed to the outside, stepping one foot in front of the other. As I walked through the doorway I nearly crashed headfirst into Etho.

"Hey Etho!" I grinned at him, "I hear we have a mission". Etho nodded, eyes narrow.

"Indeed we do" he said slowly, "follow me".

I felt like I'd been stung, the coldness coming from Etho was clear. It was like ice, dampening my mood. Etho launched himself into the air, rapidly soaring upwards. I sighed and quickly followed, swiftly catching up with the silver haired man.

"So, what are we doing?" I tried to strike a conversation.

"Going to Sanctuary" he said, not elaborating.

"But isn't that where the Hermits are?" I said, raising my brow.

"Yes, that is the point" Etho replied, "we're going to spy on them".

The two of us lapsed back to silence. To my relief, I saw Sanctuary begin to load into view quickly after. Etho suddenly grabbed my wrist and dived down, landing roughly on the forest floor.

"We have to go on foot from here" Etho whispered, "or else we risk being seen". I followed behind him with a nod.

"Why are you being so cold?" I burst out, "you're being weird".

"Am I?" Etho turned around and blinked, confusion clear in his eyes, "I don't think I'm any different than usual".

"You are" I told him with a wince, "you haven't laughed at all, haven't made any stupid comments about my height. You're being so weird".

"I guess I'm just busy" Etho shrugged, his eyes hardening, "I don't have time for stupid jokes right now".

"You're not you" I said quietly, "I know they did something to you".

"You're right. I'm not me" Etho's eyes were cold, "I'm changing, and you just have to accept that". Etho spun on his heels and kept walking. I ran after him and grabbed his wrist, holding him tight.

"Don't you walk away from me" I warned, "tell me what they did to you".

"My life is none of your business" Etho snarled, snatching his wrist away, "stop being so annoying, we have a mission to complete".

Etho turned away again and kept walking. I followed, silent tears dripped down my face. I'd never had Etho yell at me like that. It... hurt. I watched the silvernette stride quickly in front of me, not looking back once. I wasn't a traitor, but I was beginning to question how I saw Ren. I couldn't bear Etho being like this forever.

I will fix this, I promised.

I just need to figure out how.

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