bitter pill

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*a few days later*

As much as she hated to do it, Vada needed to talk to Mia. Getting ready, she booked and Uber and prepared to show up unannounced at her door. Vada hesitated to get out of the Uber when it finally reached Mia's home.

"C'mon kid, I don't have all day."
The driver said in an irritable tone receiving an exaggerated eye roll from Vada.

"Fine, fine." She got out adjusting her shirt and fixing her hair as quickly as possible just in case Mia could see her from the house. She took slow, small steps to her door trying to delay this situation for as long as she could.

Once she finally reached the door and knocked, there was no answer

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Once she finally reached the door and knocked, there was no answer. So again she knocked, harder this time.


"God damnit Mia." She stammered.

The last time Mia didn't answer the door, she was almost unconscious in her sauna. So evidently Vada knew she had to make sure she was okay.

After checking all of the windows and doors, she found a door that was unlocked. She entered and checked every room. Her bedroom was the last room she needed to check. Which was closed. Vada could hear a faint voice which made her feel relieved. While searching for her, her nerves calmed down. She was prepared to talk to her now. Confidently she opens the door to see something she'll never forget.

"Vada omg!" Mia shouted while under a girl, naked, while pulling her comforter over them.

Vada stood there completely paralyzed. Her mind knew something like this could cause psychological pain but physical pain? Her heart stopping and her stomach twisting, she felt like she could vomit at any moment.

Then she woke up.

Vada's eyes snap open, her heart pounding, body covered in cold sweat, trying to catch her breath. This was the first nightmare she's had since dating Mia. But this dream felt too real to ignore. She laid back down feeling her tears periodically run down the sides of her face, hitting her pillow. 

Maybe we weren't made to have a happy ending. Maybe there is a difference between memories and people when it comes to the word forever. Maybe, just maybe, this is a blessing in disguise.


Mia couldn't take the silent treatment anymore. It's been days of Vada not returning her calls and texts. She knew she needed space but for this long?

She decided to reach out on a last ditch effort.

Please Vada, I swear on my dads lives I would never do anything to hurt you. I would never cheat. I know your trust issues are making it hard for you to let me in. But please I'm begging you. Just tell me you are okay.

She put her phone face down on her nightstand, with no hope that Vada would respond. Sadly, that's exactly what happened.

After a night without sleep, Mia couldn't cope with the anxiety of not knowing if she is okay. So she decided to go to her house. She didn't care if she turned her away, or the fact that her parents might be the ones to answer the door. She needed to at least try and make things right.


AN: just wanted to say I appreciate you guys! this initially was not the way this story was going to go but I'm just rolling with it 😅

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