mr. steal your girl

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Vada's Pov:

Why am I like this. I had the chance to tell Mia how I really felt about her but I was too in denial. I always do this. I push everyone I love away, then get butthurt about it. 

"You ready to go?" Mia questioned.

"Yeah I can't wait!" I said pretending to be excited.

"Look we don't have to stay for long... I just think she's cute and it kinda seems like she's into me." Mia said.

Yeah no shit she's into you.

"I'm happy for you and uh she definitely does."

It physically hurt me to say that but I can't tell Mia how I feel unless I know it's for sure. I can't be giving her mixed signals. Plus I can't even see myself being in a relationship right now.

Mia's Pov:

"You're the best" I said while hugging her.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still basically In love with Vada. But I can't continuously hurt myself by thinking she'd ever want me. It's going to be hard to get over her but it has to be done. She's also been acting so weird around me recently. Maybe because she's uncomfortable with the idea that I might still like her. So friends it is.

We arrived at Jess's house well more like mansion. The place was huge and completely modern. Literally my dream home.

Jess opened the door and welcomed us in. There were people EVERYWHERE.

"This is a small party!?" I said in shock.

"No for real... this place is sick." Vada added.

"Yeah normally a lot of people come in groups so you never really know how many people are going to show up and thanks." Jess replied.

"Come this way. We have a bar over there, the bathroom is over here and bedrooms upstairs if you get lucky." she said while winking at me.

Gosh Jess is so fine. She has long black hair with beach waves, green eyes, and is wearing baggy mom jeans and gray hoodie. Like literally she is Megan Fox hot.

"Sounds great." I said while blushing.

Vada's Pov:

I'm going to hurl. This is so awful.

"I'm going to get a drink real quick. Want one?" I said to Mia.

She nodded her head and said "Please."

As I was walking up to the bar I made a decision. I was going to take my sweet time in hopes that Jess will be gone by the time I get back.

"I'll have uhhh two vodka crans please."

I went on my phone for awhile and then finally headed back to them but instantly regretted it.
I walked up to them sitting on the couch together and Jess's hand was on Mia's thigh. They were laughing and getting really close. I knew I had to pretend like it didn't bother me.

"Heyyyy I'm back" I said handing Mia her drink and sitting on the ottoman in front of the couch.

"Hey! We were just talking about maybe getting a group to play truth or dare." Mia said.

"What are we in middle school?" I said while laughing.

"Cmon Vada it would be soooo fun."


"Yay okay I'll get a group together." Jess said.

Jess got a group of like 15 people and let's just say things were getting pretty intense. A guy was dared to do a body shot off of this girl. Another girl and guy had to act out their favorite sex position with their clothes on in front of us.

"Jess truth or dare." A blonde girl asked.

"Dare obviously." Jess answered.

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