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Mia's pov:

After Vada responded, I could finally relax.
I took a shower and put on some black leggings and an oversized cream colored hoodie. I put my hair in a claw clip and enjoyed another glass of wine on my couch. I really need to cut back on it buuuut it's just too good.

I'm actually doing a lot better since the incident, I still think about it and have nightmares but overall I'm slowly starting to improve.

I've never had someone I could open up to which has helped me so much. My dads are gone all the time and I don't have any other friends so having Vada around is really a breath of fresh air.

I just hope I can control myself and not let out my true emotions towards her.

Vada's pov:

"Amelia what do you need, holy shit!" I shouted from the shower knowing damn well, it's Amelia banging on the door.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to see if you would go to the movies with me?" she asked.

Shit. Now I feel bad.

"I have plans tonight but let's go tomorrow?"

"Okay and maybe you could bring your friend? I want to meet her." she said.

"Yeah uhh maybe." I replied.

I smiled at the thought of that.

Getting out of the shower. I dried off and put on my black mom jeans, an oversized red t-shirt and my red Air Force mids. Threw my hair in a messy bun and went to the store to get stuff for dinner. Then texted Mia that I was on my way.

When I got there and was kinda anxious which is weird because I never get nervous when I'm about to see her.

What the fuck.

Why am I deadass nervous right now. My hands are sweating and I feel butterflies in my stomach.

I'm. so. confused.

I finally calmed myself down enough to walk in.

"Heyyy you," Mia said as she came over and hugged me which gave me even more butterflies. I could seriously puke.

"I thought I was never going to see you again" she said while smiling.

"Yeah.. I.. uh had something I had to do" I said while rubbing my arm.

"I'm just so glad you're okay" she replied.

I gave her a half smile and put the grocery bags on the counter.

"Uhh what is all that?" She looked confused by all of the groceries I got.

"I'm making you dinner to make up for leaving you today. I feel really bad. Trust me it won't happen again."

"Wow, thank you but I promise it's really not that big of a deal." She said.

I made our food which definitely could've been better but hey, maybe next time.

After that we both sat on the couch and put on Euphoria. I've never seen it but Mia wouldn't shut up about it so I caved. And Sydney Sweeney is in it so how could I really say no. Like I'm still confused with my sexuality but like I'm definitely gay for her.

Halfway through the episode Mia scooted closer to me and leaned her head on my shoulder.

That was when it clicked.


AN: Y'all this is my first story lmaoo so we're gonna hope for the best

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