Christmas special!!!

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The town was covered in deep, deep snow that made that satisfying crunch every time you walked on it. Snowmen we're positioned outside some houses as they were dressed in rocks and neatly put together with a carrier and maybe even a scarf.
Christmas is a great time for all family and friends to put their differences aside and come together in a warm living room with a cozy decorated tree in the corner, sometimes even a sizzling fire crackles under all of the laughter.

You currently stood outside of Raúls house, presents in hand and ghost tucked away from the stabbing cold in her bag. You stood behind both your mum and dad that was new for you, your parents never really went near each other after the divorce. It was a rare sight to see them side by side knocking on the door to your friends house, all you could hope for was that no drama would happen tonight. Even though you've known Raúl for years this is your first time spending Christmas Day together, you would normally see each other Christmas Eve or Boxing Day to hang out and do festive stuff.
But this year his mother had invited your family and even Kat to spend the night at their house, you only expected your dad to come in all honesty. Your mother wasn't the friendliest person in the town, yet here you are in between both parents. It sorta felt nice.

Your dad knocked on the door and adjusted his jacket before a very cheery Mariana dressed in green and reds and a fancy glass in her hand, " ah! Welcome welcome! So glad you guys could come "
She moved to the side to let you all in, your mother only had a small smile on her face while you mirrored Marianas bright smile.
" good to see you! " you warmly embraced the women as soon as she opened her arms, she smelt of freshly baked ginger breads and looking behind her you can see the oven turned on with ginger men inside.

Breaking the hug you removed your coat and handed it to your dad who gladly hung it up, you slipped off your shoes that were lined with fur and happily waltz into the living room with a your hat still on your head. ( I think of a Breton hat )
" Y/N! "
You heard the excited voices from behind the presents slowly falling off making you lean your back, you smiled brightly under the presents from your friends voices that happily greeted you.
You attempted to try and find the table to you could place the pile of presents down, but fortunately a figure came towards you and removed the top half of the wrapped gifts.
Your face slightly heated up and your smile grew giddily as you saw Raúl in front of you, he had also given you a smile before placing the gifts down. Following his lead you were quickly embraced by him as soon as you placed them down, you were shocked at first and your heart beat picked up quickly.
Snapping out of your daze you wrapped your arms around him as well, your eyes closed as you enjoyed the warm hug for a few seconds.
" glad you decided to come "
His face was also slightly red as he spoke the same words his mother said a few minutes ago, you looked to the side to avoid eye contact as you attempted to cool down your face. Seeing your parents enter the kitchen with Raúls mother just made you smile more, " How could I say no to this? "
You let out a light hearted laugh before walking past him towards the couch, seeing Kat sitting in a punk band Christmas themed sweater you waltz over to sit next to her.
" Merry Christmas! "
You beamed excitedly to Kat as she watched you sit down, a small smile on her face as you fist bumped her.


Christmas music played in the background, not to loud to drown out the noises but not to quiet that all you could hear was voices.
Dirty dishes from the dinner you all just shared sat half in the sink and half on the counter, many leftovers had been quickly thrown into many containers and a half empty alcoholic bottle sat open on the side.
Mariana walked from the kitchen into the living room with two hands full with plates of various ginger bread men and Christmas cookies.
You sat on the floor with Kat and Raúl while playing monopoly, your mum and dad sat on the couch talking about what not.
" Jail! "
Kat yelled at you as your figure had just landed on the ' to jail ' square making you fall backwards dramatically with your arms spread out. " nooooo.....!! "
Your eyes closed as you whined on the floor, Raúl just laughed at your pain and moved your figure for you before grabbing the dice for himself.
Opening your eyes and turning your head to the side you immediately sat up and reach over the coffee table, knocking over most of the houses and figures on the board.
Mariana had just placed the plates on the small space of the table that didn't have drinks or a monopoly board on, you had quickly snatched at least 3 normal cookies and 2 gingerbread men before anyone else could react.
Kat light heartedly gave your head a soft hug before she too took some of the treats, Raúl simply waited for your parents to pick their own before grabbing whats left on the plate while of course leaving one or two for his mum. As he grabbed his he glanced over at you witnessing you practically inhale your last cookie, he strangely admired you in the dim light.


It started to get late and you were starting to feel the sugar crash happen, the sugar rush happened a few minutes ago when you, Kat and Raúl had decided to make a snowman. That ended up with Kat smashing it more then 5 times and a full snow ball fight you had started.
You sat on the couch covered in a blanket in front of a fire with Kat next to you as you both tried to warm up after being out in the blistering cold.
Your nose had gone red and you wore your coat around your shoulders under the blanket for maximum heat, unfortunately you had to get up from your mothers call.
" Y/N! Come and help Raúl carry these Hot chocolates! "

Kat laughed at you as you let out a long sigh, as soon as you stood up and the blanket fell off you she had quickly snatched it and wrapped it around her self.
You glared at her playfully as you walked out the living room, warning her you were going to fight a war for your blanket back.
Before you got into the kitchen you were met halfway by Raúl looking down at the two mugs in his hands, concentrating on not spilling them. They were dressed in whipped cream and had sprinkles all over it.
He looked up with a weary smile, the tried to make as little movement as he could making you laugh a little. Toh rolled your eyes playfully at him but before you could look back you couldn't help but noticing something hanging low off the ceiling, your head moved back and your eyes squinted as you looked closer.
Your movements also made Raúl look up in confusion wondering what was on his ceiling, he was met with a mistletoe...
His face grew hot quickly yet he didn't expect you to actually do anything, he coughed awkwardly before looking back down to see you looking at him with a odd expression.
" what..? "
He asked clearly confused, also trying to avoid that he currently stood under a mistletoe with his best friend who over the years he's gradually gained... a small crush on.

In a tired and cold daze, you quickly moved forwards and pecked him in the cheek. You didn't know if it was the Christmas magic, the awful cold you were developing or the massive swarm of butterflies in your belly but all you knew was that this Christmas was definitely the best so far.


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