☆ The funeral ☆

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Well, this was a surprise to wake up to.
Going to school was normal, Raúl waited for you outside and you both walked up the hill together. What you didn't expect was a buss waiting outside and everyone getting on, where did that buss lead you may ask?
A funeral.
You all sat in the graveyard in front of Father bests coffin, chairs were set out and a picture of him loomed over his grave. Everyone held a flower, well all but Kat. You didn't mind Father best when he was still alive, he wasn't all bad but also wasn't the best at the same time. Yet it was still sad to be a funeral for a person you knew, you currently had ghost your cat in your arms. You petted his soft fur and softly cried into it, your other hand was being help by Raúl who also silently sobbed next to you. Ghost quietly mewed as he stared into the nothingness, ghost is a old cat and over the years his eye sight just got worst.
Girls grieved around you as the casket was lowered, everyone soon was in a line and one by one threw their flowers into his grave. You held Ghost in your arms tightly but not to rough, just enough so he wouldn't fall as you neared the casket behind Raúl. He let the flower fall and moved to the side slightly to let you throw yours, as you looked down you saw many flowers all piled up as you let yours go too.
You adjusted the cat in your arms to make it for comfortable for the both of you, being a emotional person didn't make this situation any better.
Not thinking much your head gingerly fell on Raúls shoulder, you felt him somewhat tense up but after a few seconds was back to normal. You felt at ease every since you lied your head on his shoulder, being close to him had always calmed you down in a way. Although being around him also made you nervous, you didn't understand why you can feel clam one moment and sweaty the next.
Your thoughts were disturbed by Kat dropping her bag on the floor and look into Fathers grave, turning to look to her side as Gabby goat started to chew her bag. Snatching it back she looked over to the side and thew it away, Siobhan soon walked over and picked her goat back up.
" Kay-Kay, sometimes it's harder to let go when you've just met "
You would say she was trying to comfort her but to you Kat didn't really seem all bothered by his death, well, not as bothered as the rest of us.
" no it's not " she hissed back, closing her eyes and letting out a sigh as Sweetie approached her from behind. " Father bests saved your life "
Sweetie looked up before bringing her hands together, you wiped your eyes and stood up straight again removing your head from your friends shoulder.
" maybe he was just trying to save the school "
Kat sounded annoyed as she normally does when she's near the girls, her eyes rolling back as she spoke. " Kay-Kay, it's customary to cast one's carnation on the loading coffin "
Siobhan explained to Kat as sweetie picked a flower from the wreath around fathers picture, the nick name obviously annoyed Kat as she replied absurdly.
" Not Kay-Kay! Not my custom "
Her voice was like a hiss as she poked in the girls face, they seemed to not take notice in this as sweetie raised the flower in Kay's face. " Time to say goodbye, Kay-Kay "
With a growl Kat snatched the flower and threw in into the grave a bit more aggressively as the others did, " goodbye! "
You saw Raùl making his way around the hole towards the buss, you quietly following behind him seeing as the girls pulled kat into a tight hug before waking to the buss.
As the girls left Kat unexpectedly grabbed Raúls wrist and looked behind her at the bus, you simply stopped walking and watched to the interaction went on. " your coming with me, you can come to " She looked back at you and Raúl as you looked at her confused, your friend seemed to also think the same as you.
" what for? "
Kat then pulled Raúl towards a tombstone, seeing him get dragged around made you chuckle and follow him. You were also mostly glad it wasn't you getting dragged by Kat. " I need a witness and you're it "   You crouched down beside the stone out of sight from the buss, turning to Raúl to check on him. You then finally started to question what Kay needed you two for as the buss started and drove off without you three on it.

Well, call it an adventure.

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