☆ Eye Spy ☆

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Thunder crashed angrily as the branches of the trees swayed harshly from the wind, your one hand reached to cover your face from the needles of wind while the other clasped onto Raúls.
Kat held onto the bear under on arm as she pushed her self up from the snow, a bright light flashed once again.
" what.. yes! "
She gasped through the loud wind, maybe she really did summon her parents back to life..
you moved closer to Raúl and leaned over to shout to him, " you betting on a demon or zombie?! "
You snickered to try and brush off how odd and sorta unnerving this whole experience was by making a small joke, you was clearly talking about the chances a demon or a zombie would rise from the ground like in the movies.
" Zombies! "
He smiled slightly, seeing your attempt of lighting up the mood and getting your minds of what ever Kat might have summoned or angered. You let out a light hearted laugh as you shouted back, " demons for me then! "
After that the wind died down and the thunder got quieter as everything calmed down, you were bracing your self for anything to pop up.
Your hand went down from your face yet you still stayed close to Raúl, your hair looking like it was dragged through a bush due to the oddly harsh wind.
The branches stopped they're rustling and they all came to a slow stop. You let out a sigh of relief as nothing more major happened and that hopefully it was all over, looking over to Kat though... she didn't seem to share the same feeling.
" no, no! Please! Come on! "
She looked around desperately before shaking the bear in hopes it would talk, her face fell into a saddened one. " say something! Tell me what to do please! " she begged the bear and pulled the string once again, she was in distress while looking at the bear just hopping it would say something.
You gazed at her worrisome, seeing someone like this isn't the best thing to look at. You can almost feel her pain, she put a lot of trust into that bear..
she threw it to the floor and took deep breaths, almost as if she was holding in tears. " they lied to me! " Kat stormed off in a hurry.
" hey um.. I'm going to go to her "
You looked over at Raúl as you motioned at the heart broken Kat, he gave you a small smile as you left him to pick up the bear. Y/N danced quickly towards Kat as you walked back down the hill, Raúl was more behind you as he let you two talk.
" you doing okay..? "
You asked softly as you tried your best to anger the already mixed up girl, your gaze was also soft as you watched her. " I'm fine.. " she answered bluntly, not really wishing to talk about that small incident back at the tombs. You looked away and awkwardly fumbled with your fingers before combing them through your hair to make it look normal again, " you know... I don't mind listening to you if you ever need it "
You struggled in silence as your fingers caught many knots before roughly combing them out of your hair, your eyes switching from Kat to your hair. " I.. I have parent problems as well.. " you gave up with your hair and looked towards the ground, taking Ghost out of your bag and letting him walk on his own for a little of course with you watching closely. " sure my problems aren't well.. exactly like yours but I can surely help you if you need it "
Ghost mewed softly next to you as he happily strutted through the snow, he bumped into your leg softly once or twice making you smile at his clunky actions.
" thanks.. I guess "
You perked up at this, a goofy smile plastered your face. Yes she made a small remark at the end but that thanks seemed genuine, you were glad you could help her she seemed really upset that nothing happened with the bear. You turned your head to look back at Raúl, the smile still as big as it was before as you raised your thumb up to him. He shared the smile as he jogged up to both of you now that your chat was over, getting in the middle of you two and handed Kat the bear back as you knelt down to pick Ghost back up and carry him like a baby.

You all walked a bit further before you heard a unusual.. sizzling? Or a snake like abound behind you and in the corner of your eye you saw Kat put the bear in her bag before Sister Helley appeared behind you shining a flashlight at all of you.
" well.. "
She looked down at the three of you, Y/N let out a small anxious laugh and shrunk down behind Raúl as he spoke to her. " hi.. sister Helley " He waved at her nervously, knowing all three of you were definitely in trouble by the look on her face.
" why weren't you three on the bus? "
Oh shit.. what was you suppose to say? Kat needed us for some werid ' summoning ' that ended up in a total failure? I think not. " uh, Kat needed us to be a witness..? "
He trailed off at the end, rubbing the back of his head as he spoke before Kat stepped up and put on a face. " Didn't want to see my parents grave alone "
Her gaze lowered to the two of you, you still hid behind Raúl but gave Kat a thankful smile and a small nod. It seemed to work as Sister Helleys face fell into a more sympathetic one and she lowered her torch, " I see.. we'll, we have a long, cold walk back. "  she dragged out the ' long ' as she picked up the torch again and let off down the hill...

Raúls POV

Kat and Sister Helley had said their goodbyes a while ago as they headed up the hill towards the school while me and Y/N decided to go home this night.

We walked down the path while playing a game of ' eye-spy ' seeing as we had nothing else to talk about.
" I spy... with my little eye... something beginning with... "
Y/N dragged out the words as they looked around the area trying to find something to say, " O! "
She practically jumped as she said it, I seemed to let out a small laugh from this. My heart randomly picked up and my gut felt all.. werid. I've felt this one to many times so I just shook it off like usual and began to look around the area.
" umm... oval? "
I smile and laugh at this, as I looked around I couldn't really see anything starting with o. Y/N shook her head, " noPe " She popped the p and put her hands behind her back as she started to skip slightly. " give up? "
She always found odd or just werid words to use for these games so in all honesty it was best to give up, I could never win with her. " yea, yea, what word is it now? "
I looked around for a last time incase I missed anything before looking back at Y/N. She still had a smile on her face as she looked up towards the sky, the stars seemingly reflected in her eyes.
I couldn't help but stare... I suppose I can agree with my self that Y/N was pretty, but that's normal right? Thinking your friend is nice looking?
Oh god what am I saying, of course it's not normal to feel like this around a ' friend ' I was just to afraid to think about it..
so I snapped out of dayDream and quickly looked away from her, following her gaze up to the stars.

" Orion... I see Orion "

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