☆ Stars ☆

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After the whole Kat incident, your whole body was facing Raúl as you both quietly chatted. Mainly about Kat.
" There's no way it could have bit her though "
You inch your head to the left as you reply to your friend, I mean it seemed impossible there was a glass wall in the way! Your finger mindlessly tapped on Raúls desk as the two of you talked, you were unaware that you was even doing it. " I don't know what else it could have been then " He simply shrugged and tapped the end of his pencil on his chin.
You let out a small sigh and put your head in your arms, your head and hair covering Raúls book. " hey! " he let out a laugh and moved his arms as you plopped onto his desk. He then began to tap your head with his pencil lightly as he looked at you with a small smile, a few voices though caught his attention. His eyes trailed up to the front of the class where Siobhan, sweetie and Sloane stood by the fish tank talking amongst their self just loud enough for him to hear.
You looked a little over your shoulder as you also heard the girls talking, they were coming up with some theories about what Kat is and what happened.
You heard a small huff come from Raúl before he spoke up making the three girls turn around. " oh come on Siobhan, leave her alone "
You sat up and fixed your hair as the two girls followed behind Siobhan, you merely glanced up at her as if you were waiting for something.
" It's none of your business, Ramona "
And there it was.
Raúl sighed and moved his head to the side as if he was tired of correcting her. You loudly coughed and the simple glance you looked up at her with turned into a slight glare, she then looked between you two and moved away slightly.
" I'm sorry Raúl! I keep forgetting"
She apologised and put one of her hands in the other, Gabby bleating at her.


School had finished but instead of going to your mums or dad you ended up at Raúls house. He sat at his desk covered in loads of paper, pens paints and more. In all honesty though your room wasn't all better, you currently stood on a chair on your tippy toes sticking glow in the dark stars to his ceiling. You were trying your best to create constellations and make them accurate while also trying not to fall of the chair.
Raùl kept looking over his shoulder at you, it was worrying knowing that a clumsily person was standing on a chair with no support. " I wish you wouldn't do that "
He got up and stood next to you ready to try and catch you if you fell. Sticking another star on you looked down at him and grabbed another one from a pile by your feet, " do what? " you bluntly asked, not seeing all of the risk there are while tip toeing on a chair.
He let out a light hearted sigh and shook his head slightly, " you know what, being so reckless on the chair. You could fall " he stretched over to his bed and grabbed his pillows while keeping his eyes on you, throwing the pillows down around you hopping that if you did fall they would somehow help.
" I'll be fine, I'm almost done "
You had lost if glow in the dark stars and even some hearts on your ceiling in all of your rooms, having space come to you was something that put you at ease. And to add on top of everything you even had a small night light that looks like stars, in conclusion your ceiling and maybe even your walls looked like our galaxy. And now you wanted your friend to see the same thing you see every night and even hopefully feel what you feel when you look at the stars.
As you placed the last star you eagerly hopped down from the chair, your feet landing on the pillow and you instantly looked up at your work.
" and soon they will all be glowing "
You put your hands up and spun around the room, you had successfully covered every corner of his room with small and stars even a planet or two danced among them. Raúl simply admired you as you fanned over your work, he smiled softly seeing you getting excited over your interest.
Y/N stopped looking at the ceiling and met eyes with Raúl, their mind suddenly went blank as they saw him looking at them with a smile. Your heart picked up paste as that warm feeling you loved so much as a kid washed over you, and to make things more confusing... this wasn't the first time you've gotten this feeling.
" T-the art project! "
He quickly looked away as you caught him, he lightly coughed and turned around to grab his paints. The smile that was there before couldn't get off his face as it reddened. " oh yea " You let out a small laugh, unsure of how to feel after what happened. You awkwardly grabbed your f/c jumper and slipped it on, following after Raúl as he walked down the hall towards the door. His mother was making food in the kitchen making dinner, the mouth watering smell filled your nose as you neared the kitchen.
He seemed to try and be quite as you both neared the door and you resisted the urge to go into the kitchen by the food, unfortunately the Cree king door caught his mothers attention.
" Really Raúl? Your art project now "
You stopped in your tracks and Raúl turned around and slowly backed out of the door, a icy gust of wind slowly filled through the door.
" it's the final part of the mural Mami "
You quickly squeezed out the door before he closed it and then the sound you were sadly awaiting to hear started to buzz from your pockets, your F/S blasting from the speakers as the words ' mum ' appears on the screen. " ah, sorry but I really must be going " you hopped down the stairs and looked up at Raúl with a small frown, you did wish you could stay longer and go on the roof with him. It was a great place to see the sky clearly without a building in the way.
" Well at least you won't see the mural, it'll stay a surprise "
He also followed down the stairs with a smirk, turning around to go by the side of his house. " oh hush " You roll your eyes with a small laugh and walk out of the gates of his home and with a small wave you began the journey to your mums house.

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