☆ Father Bests ☆

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The morning was quiet as only one or two cars passed by every few minutes, a few old people walked down the street past you.
You had your headphones on and the song Brianstorm could be heard mumbled coming from them as you blasted it into your ears.
Your hands tapped the side of your legs to the rhythm as they were held warmly in your pockets shielded from the cold. Your nose was was a slight red as the morning air froze it, you did try to keep your sweater over your nose as you walked but unfortunately it kept falling down.
As you walked you didn't and couldn't hear a certain someone calling for you as they slowly neared you.
As they touched your shoulder you instantly tensed up and went to slap them around the head, mid turn though you quickly stopped your self to see a scared Raúl going to shield his face from your hand.
Taking off your headphones and not bothering to stop your music you lowered your hand, " Raúl! Don't scare me like that! "
Your hand made its way to your heart as the jump-scare almost have you a heart attack. Raúl moved his hands back down and dusted off his clothes before pointing at you, " I was calling you for ages! What else could I have done? "
Well.. you couldn't blame him on that. You did have your music all the way up and couldn't even hear him, but it still scared the crap out of you.
Turning on your heels you began to walk again, your head turning to look behind you as you talked.
" Well apology not accepted "
You turned your head back around with a small smirk, your hands going back into your pockets as you strutted away from him.
" Hey! Get back here and accept my apology! "
Raúl yelled out and began to run at you, making you turn your head with a laugh that soon turned into yells as you started to run as well.



You sat in the class rocking on your chair quietly as people around you chatted calmly, today was much calmer then yesterday.
Sister Helley wrote on the board a mini green house full of fly traps sat on the desk, you kept thinking you needed to take notes about this but instead you drew many... many stars all over your hand and arm, matching some up so they created constellations. You rocked your chair back pretty far on purpose before slamming it back down a bit to hard and loud, a few people looked towards you for a second or two before going back to the work.
As you lifted your legs up you grabbed the back of your chair and spun around to face Raúl who drew in a book, looking past him you saw Kat was still mad about yesterday. He looked up and anxiously smiled at you before he turned around and showed his drawing to Kat, " that dream you had, maybe it was just some students messing with you. "
You leaned over the side slightly to look at Kat and give her a kind smile, maybe it was students..
" I said they were demons, Raúl "
She stood up and reached over the desk, obviously not liking that idea. She then ripped the drawing out and began to crumple it making you wince. " My personal demons.. and they lied! "
She then proceeded to throw the paper at his face, this made you gasp yet laugh a little at it. You then caught the drawing before it hit the ground, unraveling it and looking at Raúls drawing.
He didn't seem to found of you laughing at him as he kicked your legs under the desk making you yelp quietly before kicking him back with a lighthearted smirk and glare.
He seemed to not mind you but scrawled at Kat before turning back around and throwing his book on the table. " hmm.. maybe demons aren't the most trustworthy creatures to make a deal with..! "
You sensed the tension between the both as Kat almost growled under her breath, you placed your head down on your arm and reached out for Raúls. You didn't enjoy the thick atmosphere around you so you tried to break it by drawing a few small stars on Raúls hand, not looking up at him as you focused on doodling.
You slowly came to a stop as the PA got turned on making everyone look up, you sat up looked behind you at the small box in the corner of the room.
" Good morning RBC! "
Father bests?!
People around you gasped as the supposed to be dead Father Bests spoke up from the PA, your mouth hung open slightly as you looked up in disbelief.
" It's your very own Father Bests, reports of my death were greatly.. exaggerated " He chuckled near the end of his speech.
Sister Helley had dropped the chalk she was originally writing with and you heard Kat mumble behind you, you turned your body to the side and was wondering if you genuinely got enough sleep last night.
" so, I am back on the job guiding this glorious institution into the future "
Y/N looked to the side at Raúl seeing as he also looked lost at what just happened and he snapped from it to look at you as you shared the same expression.
" it's dear father Bests! "
" Alive! "
" oh my god! "
The girls around you started to cheer for the return of the undead headmaster, you wanted to cheer but for some reaidng stuff seemed.. off? This didn't feel right, how is he back? We saw him get lowered down into the ground!
Sister Helley tried to contain the girls as they jumped around in glee, sweetie seemed to be extremely happy as she ran around the table with her hands in the air.
" everyone, okay, please stay calm! "
She picked up Sweetie to prevent her from running around again but she just kept on squealing in her grasp.
Siobhan turned to Helley with a wide smile, " it's got to be a miracle right? "
She put sweetie down on the table before rushing out of the class, you stood up and tried to see where she went. Though you were stopped by Kay dragging Raùl out of his seat. " come on! You too Y/N! "
You watched as Raúl got dragged and silently thanked who ever was up there that it wasn't you always getting dragged, you waltz's behind them as Kat lead you out of the room.
The three of you fast walked down the corridor with you at the back, you still wondered how Kat could walk so fast with those big ass boots on..

You made it to Father Beast office and hid slightly to the side with Raúl as Kay slammed the door open with a growl, " they were supposed to bring my parents back! Not you!"
Kat exclaimed with anger as she pointed at the figure walking on the treadmill, he had a large hat on and he seemed to be.. very hunched over. Father Bests chuckled and stopped his walking machine before peering over the screen, the sight of him made you almost gasp. He had gone purple and he had what you would think was make up on, he still looked dead to be fair and his one eye seemed to be rolled up into his head.
" oh, uh, my-my.. oh my! "
He stuttered while slowly his walking down, his voice and appearance sent shivers down your spine. " Really, miss Elliot? "
You and Raúl had made your way into the room and stood by kay, you now gasped with the other two as you saw his face more clear. " ugh! "
Maybe Kats summoning did really work... if it did then why did it happen to Father? He tilted his head and smirked at you three and tapped the side of his head as he talked, his eye rolling around before going back to normal.
" perhaps, I'm more important than your parents "
Now this... This made you wanna slap him. You would never slap a person let alone someone who let you into the school but what he just said was to out of pocket. He didn't seem right I mean apart from his undead appearance he didn't act like our dear Father.
On the edge of going up and wacking the old man, Kat seamlessly acted out before you. Next to you Raúls gaze hardened on Father Bests as he also seemed to dislike his words.
" oh, you creepy old dude! "
She stomped towards him before Raúl jogged up to her and held her back, you also made your way to them and tried to reduce Kats anger.
" Forgive me, father "
Raúl Started softly, his grip tight on Kays wrist. " But you wouldn't even be here without Kat "
You took a small step back as Father bests neared you, you wasn't scared of him or anything it's just this new attitude wasn't sitting right with you. The treadmill finally stopped and he side stepped off, his head was really, really low.
" how is that exactly? "
You stood there really wondering how the demons got to Fathers grave but not Kats parents, I suppose the demons just suck at there job maybe. It still awes you though that these demons actually did bring someone back to life, you e never once heard about demons bringing back people.
" she's the one who summoned those demo- "
You cringed as Kat kicked Raúls leg and told him to hush, he bounced backwards holding the leg that she stepped on. Y/N shuffled to the side and put a hand on Raúls shoulder with a smile like always you didn't want to laugh, " you alright? "
He looked at you and instantly smiled back ignoring the fact that you almost laughed at him, his face seemed to turn a soft rosey colour as he nodded.
" well, if you can't explain yourselves.. I have better things to do "
Your hand remained on Raúls shoulder, Father Bests jumped back onto his treadmill and pulled down a mic and glared at the three of you. " code seven, code seven! Hostage situation in the headmasters- "
Hostage?! You were in rage as this grown man alerted his staff that three kids were holding him ' hostage '
" what?! " you and Raúl said in unison before three nuns waddled into the room and grabbing you three, " we're not holding you hostage! " Kat spat at him livid about the situation, one nun grabbed Raúl by his one leg making him hop towards the door.
" oh children, life is precious... right now your wasting mine "
He chuckled before glaring at you as you all got dragged or pushed out of the room by the small nuns.

" huh..! "

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