61-Twilight tells her friends about what happened

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Hi guys I called you all here to tell you about a certain terrible person who's causing problems for the other kids Heather. I talked to Beth a while back and she told me everything that she did she also told me that she got the final marshmallow! Her friends gasped 😮! How rude! Rarity said angry 😠 indeed Rarity is right that's so mean! Applejack said agreeing with her. Oh yeah she told me that she eliminated Courtney the love interest of Duncan and also eliminated him twice kissed her friends Gwen's love interest Trent got Justin eliminated and Made fun of Noah she also eliminated Geoff and double crossed Lindsay in the bike race game. Her friends were stunned 😳! That's awful! Chris said don't worry 😉 I have a idea we'll tell God about it He'll know what to do with her. He'll know how to handle her

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