48-Total cartoon teen camp episode 8 The teen song trip

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Guys today your challenge is fun it will be a cool teen song trip across crocodile lake from Dora's show itself and you have to sing the classic song you all remember row row row your boat? Duncan didn't say anything 🙄! That song? He said it's really weird! I'm not singing that. Oh yeah I forgot to tell y'all something if you don't sing that song the crocodiles will come after you! Everyone gasp 😮! Courtney smiled 🙂! Duncan you have to sing! She told him he smiled 🙂! Alright! He said I'll sing only if you decide to pair with me. She smiled 🙂! Deal! She said soon everyone was paired with who they were dating Duncan and Courtney L and Harold Tyler and Lindsay Sierra and Cody Discord and Flutter shy Spike and Rarity Raven and Dexter Hunter and Ashlynn Larry and Petunia Junior and Laura Rosa and Ben Trent and Gwen Sunset and Flash  Noah and Dawn Heather and Alejandro Owen and Izzy. Everyone got into their boats and began rowing Noah smiled at Dawn 🙂! This is fun! Izzy laughed ha ha! She got paired with her boyfriend Owen they started to sing the song to which irritated Duncan 😠! It made him infuriated quit singing that song! He said it's really weird! Everyone was surprised 😮! He doesn't like that song? Sunset asked I don't understand it's a nice tune and very fun to sing! Maybe he just doesn't know it you understand the lyrics of it if we taught him the lyrics to it he'll actually enjoy it and then he'll probably want to sing it with us after that. Tyler laughed ha ha that's a good idea! We won't sing it together at the same time we'll take turns and do it in rounds it's more fun that way. Gwen got confused 😕? Round? What's that? She asked it's when someone else sings first before you do Cody told her.

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