32-Meeting Tweety

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Aw! Aren't you just the sweetest little 🐦! The little yellow buddy smiled 🙂! I'm Tweety he said. Bridgette smiled 🙂! Hey guys look who I found she said. A 🐦! Duncan said yep Oh he's precious what's the little guys name? He asked his name is Tweety . Hi! The other kids said at first he seemed scared don't worry 😉 Tweety they're my friends they won't hurt you. Bridgette told him. They're really nice! He looked frantic what's the matter little fella? Lindsay asked There's a scary black bad cat that's after me he wants to eat me! Everyone gasp 😱! Who's the scary bad cat ? Cody asked his name is Sylvester that's his name. He's after me 🙊! Gwen said oh my! Heather said you poor little 🐦! She told him that's terrible! We have to keep you safe from that wicked cat ! Betty said exactly! Vicky said but how are we going to do that? That cat wants to eat him! Don't worry 😉! Rarity said I have a plan we'll keep him safe in a special little house being built that's really small being low down on the ground that way he won't be so high since it's small he won't be able to get him easily. That's a perfect idea! Dj said Cleo smiled 🙂! I like it! If that plan doesn't work out then we'll just keep him hidden inside our shared cabin together. It should work out fine Tyler said.

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