5-Rosa takes her Mother's place the nice girl and the frightening monster

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Huh 🤔 I have to find Mother ! Rosa said she went Outside where it got dark and left her house being on her horse and came to a horrific place that was actually a castle! She went inside it and started walking Mommy! She said Hi! Is anybody in here? She asked I'm looking for my Mother! She walked around again wait! Rosa! She got happy 😊! Mother! She said How did you get here to me? She asked I came to find you! She told her Belle smiled 🙂! Who did This to you? She asked I'm not leaving you mom! She said Suddenly a huge scary monster came out From the dark it was a crocodile! Who was really a boy! That got put under a terrible spell by a bad witch! The crocodile growled at her Why are you here? He asked I came for my mother! She said please let her go! She told him there has to be something I can do I'll stay here if I did would you let her out? The crocodile smiled at her 🙂! Yeah you must be here forever he told her. No! Rosa! Belle said I won't let You do it! She told her Rosa started crying 😢 seeing her mom leave What have I done? She said sadly.

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