32-I thought I saw a Pussy cat by T TD and SuperBook characters

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Tweety-My name is Tweety I'm a sweetie pie I sit in my small cage swinging so high I say my little song  There's a cat that's after Me and won't Let me alone I'm a tiny bird! I thought I saw a pussy cat creeping up on me ! I did I saw a pussy cat creeping up on me as plain as he could be!

S-My name is S I only have one aim in life and I'm that creeping bad cat I want to chase the little bird you bet when he comes out from his cage I'll eat him and I hate that 🐦 just when I come close to him this is what you hear! I thought I saw a pussy cat creeping up on me! You bet he saw a pussy cat that pussy cat is me!

Tweety-S is very bad and comes out from behind! I hope his plans for me are good knowing that he can eat me if he would! I just want to know what's on his mind!

Tyler Harold Noah Trent Justin Geoff Dj and Duncan -Tweety saw a pussy cat creeping up on him he did ! 

Shack Joseph Ezekiel and Moses-He did he saw a pussy cat as plain as he could be!

Heather and Bridgette-Every time he comes near My mistress knows he's here!

Lindsay and Gwen-She gets her broom and whacks him down good right on his back!

Tweety-🙂! Now come on like a good cat!

Beth-We won't chase you if you

Cody-Sing this song with us!

Courtney-Angry 😠! She hits him
S don't you even think of it!

S-Oh Suffering s !

Tweety S the TD and SB characters together
I thought I saw a pussy cat creeping up on me! I did as plain as he could be!

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