You're my sunshine in the rain when it's pouring - j.o

Start from the beginning

"I'm sure." She held her hand out for money, you let out a huff with a smile, giving her some money. She turned and walked away, joining a group of girls, relieved. You looked at Jenna, who had an amused face.

"What do you want?" You smiled, walking with her to the food court.

"Your name." Jenna looked at you, a sly look on her face. 

You playfully rolled your eyes. "Y/n." 

"Well, Y/n, I would like for you to get me..." You both stopped at the local ice cream store, the one that you work at. "Ice cream!" She smiled, your eyes widened, a small grimace on your face. "Something wrong?"

"I work here." You let out a chuckle that was more like a huff. 

"Perfect." She smiled, leading you in. You greeted your best friend who was currently working at the till. She waved back, not realizing who you were with. When she did, her jaw dropped. 

You looked at Jenna, motioning for her to order. Your best friend took it, still shocked at the fact that you two ran into each other again. Once Jenna finished ordering, she tapped your shoulder. "I'm going to sit down." You nodded, watching her go. You gave your best friend your order, pulling out your wallet to pay, but she stopped you.

"On the house. For your little date." She winked at you before looking at Jenna, who was intently waiting. You felt blush rise to your cheeks, rolling your eyes. She handed you the ice cream, watching as you walked to sit with Jenna.

You both fell into an easy-going conversation, getting to know each other. You didn't even realize that you both finished your ice cream until you felt your phone buzzing. "Sorry, this is my sister." You apologized before taking the call, Jenna just smiled, raising her hands.

"Are you done? I've been texting you for hours!" She exaggerated, you huffed.

"Sorry, my bad," You muttered, rolling your eyes, to which Jenna giggled at. "Just give me a few minutes, I'll meet you at that one store." 

"Yeah, just please hurry up." Your sister's voice rang through the call. You rolled your eyes again before saying goodbye and hanging up.

"I'm so sorry, but I have to go." You stood up cleaning up the table you two were at. 

"No, no, I didn't mean to hold you up." She also stood up, helping you clean. "It was really nice talking to you." She smiled at you again, making your heart flutter. 

"I really enjoyed talking to you, too." You paused, wanting to ask her for your number.

"What's your number, I wanna talk to you more." She told you, holding out her phone for you to put. You were shocked, and flustered. You looked at her, grabbing her phone and putting your number in it, making the contact name 'y/n🤯🤯'.  She let out a small giggle at the contact name. "I'll see you later, y/n." She waved at you, walking away. You looked at your best friend, very pink and your jaw slacked.

She was very excited for you. "No way!"


Over the days of summer, you and Jenna had talked to each other so often, it was so fun. You felt yourself falling hard and quick. Whenever you two would run into each other, you would go off together, to go and do something. She came over to your house almost every day, playing with your siblings and enjoying dinner with your parents. They all loved her, the same with her family and you. 

You two would go out all the time, to fairs, to pools, to the beaches, to playgrounds. You both had gotten so close. 

Here you two were, it was late at night, and you both were just sitting in the top of the playground. Soft music was playing through your speaker as you two just sat next to each other talking about anything and everything. 

You would just look at her, mesmerized. You held yourself back, trying not to kiss her. Your eyes flickering to her lips every so often. 

"Are you okay?" She asked, you came back to reality.

You looked at her, very confused. "I'm great, why?"

"It's just," She paused. "You keep looking at me like that." She smiled awkwardly. 'I Want You' by Stephen Sanchez started playing, perfect timing. 

"Like what?" You played it off, your heart starting to race. You were scared she wasn't going to react well.

"Like you're going to kiss me." Your heart started to hurt, trying to save the embarrasment.

"Oh." Was all that came out of your mouth, you averted your eyes, embarrassed at getting caught.

"No," She let out a small laugh. "It's okay." You furrowed your eyebrows, looking at her confused again. She got onto her knees, grabbing your face and kissing you. Your eyes widened before shutting it and melting into the kiss. Your hand held the back of her neck, the other keeping you up.

You tried to pull away, but she caught your lips again. You pulled back. "Does this mean you like me?" You joked, you felt her huff against your lips, sitting back down. 

"Yes, you idiot." You smiled at her, she made you feel so many things.

From then on, you two went out a lot more, going on as many different dates as possible. You would send each other letters, make playlists, read books, hang pictures. You both made sure that there were plenty and plenty of memories. It kept you going.

But as the summer came to an end, you were scared. You had to go back to your university, which was in a different state. 

You two had fallen in the summer, but were you guys going to make it through the fall?

Dreaming Of You - Jenna Ortega imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now