If there was a mind reader around, a non-zero possibility given the location, they no doubt thought I was very stupid, like a crow easily distracted by shiny objects.

"I brought Lily, sir," Ren announced after a sharp rap of his knuckles on the door to one of several rooms scattered across the top floor.

"Ah, good. Come in."

The Constable had his back to us when we entered, peering out a large circular stained a hundred different colors that looked over that part of the city. The Guildhall entrance, the roadway, and a nearby nature park. Even in the well-lit room, the sunlight pouring through that window dyed his gray robes random speckles of rainbow.

"It's gorgeous, isn't it?" he said, without looking at us. Not a question. "What a view."

I nodded, though he couldn't see it. "It is. I can see why you chose this room to be your office."

"Chose?" Finally, he turned to face us, shaking his head. "No. I fought for it. And won, of course. I was much younger, then, but so were my fellow Elders, and they wanted it just as much as I did. They fought well, no doubt, but they couldn't do much against this." He tapped his temple with two fingers, smiling through his satisfaction. "My telekinesis has known no true rival all these years. You can't blame them for falling short."

Nervous, due to him being, well, him, and also the circumstances, I said, rather dumbly, "There's always tomorrow," and regretted it instantly.

Why would I say that. Do I want to make him mad?

His smile somewhat frozen on his perpetually handsome face, the Constable shifted slightly to Ren and arched a brow, who clapped me hard on the shoulder.

"Pay no attention to her, sir," Ren stated. "She's rather stupid."

Wow. Thanks for the back up.

The Constable recovered quickly from my failing social skills and gestured at a wooden chair, while he took the opposing position at the opposite side of a sprawling desk. "Please sit, dear girl. I can call you Lily, right?"

I barely managed an affirmative before he pressed on.

"Things have been rather quiet since your kidnapping. Two months is a long time to go without Shade causing some sort of trouble."

Unsure of what he wanted me to say, and unwilling to elaborate and risk embarrassing myself further, I settled on, "Yep."

He stared hard at me over steepled fingers, and abruptly changed tact. "How are you settling in here? Do you like it?"

"Good. I'm still getting used to things, but overall it's good."

"Wonderful. Tempest has made you feel at home?"

What did Tempest have to do with anything?

"He's nice..." I said carefully.

"Wonderful," he repeated. "We at the Guild take care of our own, and you're one of us now, make no mistake. Now that you're fully recovered from your... ordeals, and had time to readjust, we wanted to touch base with you again about any details you may have forgotten about your abduction, specifically any reason stemming from that situation that may have led to Shade's prolonged absence, and the release of his long term captive, Atticus Courten."

I wasn't sure where I thought all this was going, but that certainly wasn't it.

"If anything, my memory of the events has only gotten worse," I said truthfully, because memories generally tended to work that way. "Not better. I said everything I knew the first time. I'm as confused as you."

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