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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐

Hermiones pov

The next few days seemed to drag, I spent every minute of the day waiting for an owl or a raven to appear at my window. Waiting for some sign that he was doing something. Every owl that did appear was either the ministry calling me for interviews or cissy with wedding plans.

Draco had done his best to distract me through out the day, sending me flowers while I was in class or planning small dates. I was thankful for having him by my side but there was nothing that could break my mind from the idea that Ron could be torturing my poor father or even worse...

"Hermione" a voice called out, I was sat in the library and when I looked up I saw Seamus and Dean walking towards me "Oh hello boys" I said, putting on my best smile "how are you?" They asked, sitting down infront of me. I raised an eyebrow "I'm well, and you two?" They looked between one another "Emm..yeah we're fine" Dean answered quickly.

I only stared at the boys, never seeing them this quiet before "Is there something wrong?" I asked, they once again stared at eachother "Guys...I'm trying to study so if something is wrong you need to tell me" they nodded "This arriaved today" Seamus said, sliding a ripped piece of paper across the table. I stared at it, gently picking it up and unfolding it to reveal a photo

"I told him to smile..."

Was the quote on the back, I gasped at the photo. My father lay beaten black and blue, a blindfold round his face and his hands tied "Merlin" I said, my stomach doing flips. I dropped the photo and looked away "I can't look at it anymore" I said, tears welling up in my eyes "Take it too mcgonogal.." was all I could say. Dean leant over the table, squeezing my shoulder before walking out.

I took a deep breath, wiping any stray tears that had fallen. "It could be a fake image" I whispered to myself, I knew it was not. "This is a nightmare" I said, my head falling into my hands.


"The aurors believe that Ron has moved your father to London, meaning he is far closer than we thought" mcgonogal said, my hand held Dracos tightly as the headmistress spoke "And what do they plan to do?" I asked "They shall be sending out aurors all over the wizarding and muggle world...aurors will still be looking out in Australia and making sure to keep your mother and little sister safe"

I nodded, it was all I could do. No words came to mind when she spoke, I felt like a shell of myself "Well....if I can assist in anyway?" I asked, hoping the answer would be yes "Not right now...Kingsley is concerned it will affect your plans to marry Mr malfoy" mcgonogal said, rolling her eyes "My marriage is in 5 months, explain how any of this will affect that?" I questioned

"Truly I do not know, all I know is that he does not want any of you involved" my face fell at the words, Kingsley knew how much I craved for my family to be back in my life, and while he knew that it was not possible he always promised to keep them safe. "If he knows me well enough he knows that I will not stand by and watch while this man attempts to kill my father!" I shouted standing up

My head was spinning, and I felt my balance shake "Hermione?" Draco questioned, offering his hand. I pushed it away "I am fine" I said, both hands on the desk "I will not sit idely by while my father is so close, tell Kingsley to expect an owl from me" I said to the headmistress who only nodded.

With that I left, storming out the door. I held my hand against the wall to keep me steady as a wave of sickness washed over me "Hermione!" Draco said, quickly coming behind me "Are you okay?" He asked, holding me. "I'm fine, I think it's just the stress"

He only nodded, gently taking me arm and walking us back to the dorm. When he sat me down he quickly got me a glass of water, instructing me to sip it slowly "I feel like this is another war, another fight I fear I may loose" I whispered, Draco gently sitting beside me "it will be okay hermione". His words cut me like ice, I knew he meant them to comfort me but I was sick of the lie

"Stop lying to me, I can not deal with anyone sugar coating this to me anymore! This is not a silly argument between two friends, this is my fathers life!" I cried, he only stared at me. His eye wide and mouth slightly open, there were no words we could exchange. Any words that came from his mouth would be more lies and if I heard anymore I think I would crack.

"Please just...I'm going to go for a walk" i whispered, he said nothing. As I stood up and walked out of the dorm, walking towards the courtyard. The winter chill was still in the air as the season ended and I could see the last of the snow begin to melt. I didn't know where I was walking, I just continued to move until I couldn't anymore.

I ended up by the forbidden forest, I only stared into it. Not willing to risk entering it, I could hear the hoofs of the centaurs as they ran through the forest. The crunch of the frozen leaves beneath them.

"You look a mess" a familiar voice said, I shot sround and saw the familiar ginger hair "How did you get here!" I said, quickly grabbing my wand. He only laughed as he walked circles around me "You know...you could of stopped all of this" Ron said, his eyes glued to mine "This is your fault....your father is dying in that forest because of you" he hissed.

My eyes widened, I didn't even wait to hear anymore, I ran into the forest. Shoving tree branches out of my way as I screamed my dads name. I felt like I was running in circles, everything looked the same. I just kept running straight, hoping that I would hear his cry's or come upon him "Dad!" I screamed, stopping to catch my breath

"Hermione??" A voice called, I turned and saw the familiar centaur "Firenze..." I gasped, his face full of concern "What are you doing here! You could of been killed if it were not me to find you!" He said, his voice stern "Is there a man here? A muggle man? Possibly injured" I said, my chest tight and my head spinning "What do you mean?" He asked

"My father! He was kidnapped and I was told he was dying here!" I cried, Firenze face fell as he looked around. Seconds later his eyes shot back to me "I can smell blood" he whispered. I only looked at him "Go! Find him! I'll follow" I shouted, he nodded and began to run. I chased after him with all the strength I could until I eventually caught up to him.

He held his arm back "This is no sight for a young girl" he said, I shoved his arm away and fell to the ground. I barely recognised the man before me, his face was swollen and bloody. His legs looked broken and he groaned in pain "Dad" I whispered, reaching for him. He could barely move his head as he turned to me, his eyes widened at the sight of me "dove..."he said, his voice strained

I began to cry, I hadn't heard him say that in years. It was his nickname for me, he started to call me it after 2nd year when I told him I had turned a vase into a dive "Yes dad it's me..." I cried. He reached his hand to my cheek "Oh my sweet dove...." He said, his hand slipping down my face and hitting the ground. I froze, I watched as his chest stopped rising and the colour left his face

"No!" I began "No No No, please No!! Daddy please!" I cried, staring at the dead man that now lay in front of me "Hermione you must leave, I shall inform the school and they will collect him" Firenze said "I can't leave him" I cried, reaching for him as Firenze began to pull me away "You must go before the other centaurs arrive"

I nodded, slowly standing up. My cheeks stained with tears as I looked at my father. I quickly turned and ran out of the forest, the blood of my father stained on my hands.

└─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

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