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Dracos pov

I watched her, I couldn't not watch her. It was the morning, the sun had just begun to rise and I could see the light begin to shine through the closed curtains. She slept soundly beside me, wrapped in the blanket she continuously stole from me. A gentle redness to her cheeks, she was beautiful. I gently got off the bed, deciding to get ready.

We were heading back to hogwarts today, the last few days were a blur. After our conversation we decided not to bring up the topic anymore, knowing that if or when she did feel the same we would know. We spent the rest of time getting closer, we baked cookies and buns. Built a snowman and I took her to diagonal alley and she bought some new books.

After getting dressed I turned round and began to see her eyes open "good morning" I said with a smile, she turned over. A small smile on her face "morning drake" her voice was quiet and sleepy, she stretched out on the bed before letting out a sigh and getting up "are you excited?" She asked as she walked round to my side of the bed, helping me with my tie "more than I normally would if been" I responded and she smiled "I'm glad" after adjusting my tie she bounced off,

I could feel the excitement radiate off her as she began to pick her outfit out and run to the bathroom. She reappeared 30 minutes later, she wore a red jumper and jeans, black ankle boots and the cloak my parents bought her. With a wave of her wand we were packed and ready to go, she reached for her bag and I stopped her "Nope" I said with a laugh as I lifted it "don't start this stuff now, I'm a big girl!" She huffed as I walked out of the room "yes yes I'm aware, but it would be wrong for me to let you carry your own bag" I said as we approached the living room to see my parents sitting with their morning coffees

"ready to go?" My mother asked, I nodded and she approached us. She hugged us both tightly "we'll see you both in may..." she said, the last part of her sentence dragging slightly at the realisation that the next time I will see my parents will be my wedding, I gulped slightly and only smiled "take care, I love you both" I said to them before taking Hermiones hand and walking out the door

We quickly apparated away and before we knew it were on the train, none of the others had joined us yet and we sat in comfortable silence "may..."she whispered, I looked up "huh??" I questioned, her eyes meeting mine "mays only 5 months away.." her voice broke slightly, I reached for her hand and squeezed it gently "it'll be okay...we'll be okay" I said, she smiled pulling me into a hug "well well.." the familiar voice muttered "merlin sake..." Hermione sighed

I turned round and saw him "Weasley..." I said, suddenly becoming protective over Hermione. My hand tightly entangled with hers, I saw his eyes look down at our laced hands and then I saw him see it. There were no words to describe the emotions that flooded over his face when he saw the ring against her small hand "I-I.." was all he could manage "weasel if you've nothing to say move on to the next cabin would you" i hissed, feeling Hermiones anxiety rise as she began to tap her finger "is that a ring?" He spat, Hermiones eyes looked down "yes...Draco gave it to me for Christmas" he responded quietly, he scoffed "disgusting" he spat before storming away.

Hermiones eyes rolled as we watched him walk away "ignore him" she said, "Guys!" I heard Ginny say, Hermiones face lit up and she jumped to great her two best friends "Hello hello!" She said, a smile over her face "Mate" blaise said as he took a seat in front of us, Ginny quickly sitting beside, pansy and harry sat beside me while Hermione moved to beside Ginny and blaise to allow the couples to sit together. We sat, catching up as the train began to move.

Slowly we began to do our own thing, harry and pansy had fallen asleep. Blaise, ginny and I were discussing the recent quidditch games and Hermione read. The dimming sun showered her skin with a golden glow as I watched her eyes trace over every word, a small smile or a raise of her eyebrow everytime something happened. I couldn't help but blush slightly everytime she'd look up, catching me staring. She'd only smile before returning to her a book.

"How did your visit at home go?" I asked Ginny, she let out a sigh which made Hermione close her book "not well?" Hermione asked, concern on her face "we were in the house for about 30 minutes and everything was going great. Mum, dad and George were all welcoming and asking blaise a million questions as they do and then Ron came downstairs...he didn't say much, but he really didn't need too. He made the entire trip uncomfortable, not allowing us to be with mum and dad by ourselves, constantly following or staring. Honestly we were glad to get out" Ginny finished, Hermione reached for her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze

"Arthur kept telling me about muggle things though" blaise said, I saw a glimmer in both harry and Hermiones eyes as they both said in unison "like the function of a rubber duck?" Before they laughed, "a what?" I questioned "I'll tell you later" Hermione said with a smile


Hermiones pov

"So it just sits there? It does nothing but sit there?" Draco asked for the millionth time "it's just a rubber duck, what do you expect it to do" I said with a laugh. Dinner had come and gone, and we decided to take a late walk around the castle before everything began to kick back off in the morning. As we walked past an empty classroom we heard a noise, "what was that?" I questioned, we lived closer and could hear raised voices

"Don't you ever embarrass me like that again!" The voice screamed , we could hear crying "is..is that lavender?" I questioned, I peeked round the corner and could see the familiar curly hair in the corner of the room before a hand swung down and hit her face "Hey!" I shouted, storming in. The figure turned round and I stepped back "Ron.." I whispered, I knew he was angry but I didn't expect this. He stood with his wand pointed at lavender and the other hand was bloody, blood dripped down the wall.

Draco stepped into action, gripping ron as I ran to grab lavender "are you okay? Has he hurt you?" I asked "just my cheek.." she managed to say through tears, "go get mcgonogal and then head straight to the infirmary" I said, she nodded and I turned round. The boys were fighting, Draco was attempting to keep Ron against the wall but it wasn't working out, I grabbed my wand from my pocket "Petrificus Totalus" I shouted, Ron's body fell to the ground with a thud just as mcgonogal and flitwick

"What in merlin is going on here!" She gasped as she looked at the scene "Honestly headmistress we don't know, we were just out having a walk when we heard shouting and crying. He'd hit lavender so we stepped in, I don't know where the blood has come from...but it isn't from lavender" I said, she took a deep breath before nodding "right..you two. Take a house each. Check in on the students and then back to my office" she said, we nodded before stepping out "I'll take gryfindor and raveclaw" I said, he nodded before we parted ways.

I ran to ravenclaw first and everything was in order, after checking in quickly with the 7th years I headed straight to gryfindor. I opened the door and noticed the common room a mess, "merlin.." I whispered, "Hermione!" Seamus shouted over as he ran to my side "What happened?" I questioned "I'll tell you in a minute, we need to get the first years out of here" he said, I nodded and took action "Everyone!" I shouted, countless heads turned to face me "I want first to fourth years back into their dorms...Now!" I said firmly, the room began to clear out "As for the rest of you, I want people checking in on the younger years. I want this room cleaned up and Seamus, dean... you're with me" I said, the rest of the room nodded as the two boys followed me out

"What the fuck went on in their?" I questioned "Ron broke Harry's nose" dean said, my eyes widened "He did what?" I spat "Ginny and Neville brought him down to the infirmary and we've been trying to get the rest of this place organised" Seamus said, I nodded "well that explains the blood, why in Merlin's did he break his nose?" I questioned as we walked towards the headmasters office "He came in between whatever fight he was having with lavender and Ron just went straight at him" dean said, I pinched the bridge of my nose, the headache begging to form

"Merlin.." I sighed, we approached the headmistress office just as Draco approached "Mione?" He questioned "the blood came from Harry's nose"
Draco looks shocked as I spoke "Fucking hell, you go to harry. Do you two know what happened?" He asked, Dean and Seamus nodded, Draco pulled me aside "go to harry, I can deal with this. I'll find you in the infirmary okay?" He asked, his eyes locked in mine. I nodded, my hands holding tightly to his "This is a shit show" he laughed slightly "when have you ever had a non shitshow year at hogwarts, now go. He'll be wanting to know where you are" I nodded, letting for of his hands and running down the hall to deal with whatever state ron had left harry in

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