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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐

Dracos pov

I woke up with her wrapped in my arms, the morning sun peaking through the closed curtains. I looked down at her, her hair was in a bun and she had a small smile on her face. The events of the night before making me smile, it was the first time we had ever been so intimate. As I got lost in thought I felt her move and look towards me

"Good morning" she said, her voice quiet "Good morning love, did you sleep well?" I asked, placing the covers of the blanket round her more "Like a baby" she said, cuddling closer to me. I blushed "I'm glad"

I pulled her closer and we sat for a while in each others arms, about 30 minutes later we could hear a knock on the dorm door "It's 6:30, who in merlin is at the door at this time?" She said, wrapping her dressing gown around her and walking out of the room

I followed closely behind as she ran down the stairs and opened the door, outside stood harry. His face red, he looked like he had been running "Harry?" Hermione questioned, he just started for a moment "Mate are you okay?" I asked as Hermione gently dragged him into the room and closed the door. He stayed silent and only looked at Hermione, two seconds later her face fell "give me the letter" she whispered

"Huh?" I questioned, no one had even mentioned a letter but seconds later harry reached into his pocket and handed a folded piece of paper to Hermione "what is it?" I asked she read the letter quickly and let out a gasp "Hermione?" I questioned as she began to cry "No. No no no no" she cried, falling to the ground harry and I immediately fell beside her, I snatched the letter from her and read it


I have had a busy month not being in school...I even took a trip...too Australia. Beautiful place, beautiful people....beautiful family's...it would be a shame if anything were to happen to one.

I have no doubt you will pass this on to her, make her aware that I have and will continue to punish her whether I'm in that school or not. Starting with her beloved father....

My hand reached my mouth as I went over the words again, Hermione screamed beside me, holding her hand over her chest as she gasped for air "Hermione breath" harry said, not knowing how to comfort her. She let out another cry of pain. I looked at harry, his face had become pale and his eyes wouldn't leave Hermione "I'll go find the others" I said and he nodded

I quickly got dressed and left them downstairs, knowing it was not me she needed right now. I left the dorm and quickly began running around the common rooms, gathering the group as quickly as I could


Hermiones pov

My chest was tight, I could feel every beat of my heart as it pounded against my chest. Tears soaked my cheeks, my neck and my clothes as I attempted to calm down. Harry held me close as I sobbed, Draco had left 15 minutes ago and as I began to regulate my breathing the door bust open, but it wasn't the group

"Headmistress" harry said, I looked up and my eyes locked with hers "Sweet girl.." she said, running to my side "I'm assuming you too recurved a letter?" Harry asked and she nodded "I-I... I don't know what to do" I cried just as the door opened a second time "Oh Hermione!" Ginny and pansy said as they rushed to me, gathering me in their arms "do we know if he has done anything yet?" I asked mcgonogal who's face was pale

"S-some photos were sent to me by...him...your father is not dead but...he does have him" she said, I let out another cry as the girls tightened their grip around me "Aurors have been sent out to try and track him down and attempt to stop him" she said "attempt? No. He will be stopped" I said, my sadness quickly turning to rage

"Miss granger..." the headmistress began "No, I will not allow this. What can I do?" I asked her, she shook her head "Nothing right now...we don't know enough" she replied, I nodded. We spoke for another while before she left and it was just the 6 of us

"Hermione...what can we do?" Pansy asked, holding my hand "I..I don't know" I whispered "I know that when there is something we can do...mcgonogal will tell us...atleast he is alive" I said, I nodded my head almost trying to reassure myself

"And until then?" Blaise asked, I looked towards him "We pray to merlin that my family are still alive by then..." he nodded, there were no other words that could be spoke. I stayed on the ground, my knees close to my chest as I gently rocked myself, attempting to calm down. When I eventually came out of whatever haze I was in, everyone but harry and Draco had left

"He shall send another letter, I know he will" harry said "And if he does not? Then what?" My fiancé questioned "If he doesn't send another letter then...then I have no doubt he will have killed him"

My head shot up "He wouldn't" I said, both boys turned their attention to me "He won't harm them unless he really really wants too....this is a game he is playing, he wants to hurt me. He wants me to search for him, beg him on my hands and knees to leave my family alone...he wants to see me weak"

"Ron has never been the same guy since the war, even before that. When we went searching to destroy the horcruxes, he put that necklace on and even after we destroyed it he was never the same" harry said, i nodded. Finally standing up "He has always been impulsive...threatening. It was like the war gave him the ego boost he needed to live out the fantasy dream he wished he was in. He wants control, he wants power and this is how he believes he will get" I said coldly, my voice horse from shouting

"So until mcgonogal says something, this is genuinely something we must stay away from. We do not know what he is doing or who he is having do it with him. We can not risk another threat to ourselves or this school" I said, my fingers pinching the bridge if my nose. Harry reached and squeezed my hand "We will stop him" he said, attempting to reassure himself as well as me

"I know....I just hope we do it in time..."

└─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

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