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Hermiones pov

Weeks had passed since everything happened with Ron, we hadn't spoke. I didn't want to speak, I avoided him and his letters every chance I got. Harry and pansys wedding was fast approaching, 4 weeks left. As I walked to my last class of the day I could see first years running around the courtyard, third years teaching second years to ride their brooms, fifth years studying. Hogwarts was finally feeling more and more like home, I entered mcgonogals classroom.

Taking my place beside Draco "evening" he said, I smiled placing my stuff down and grabbing what I needed. I looked behind me and waved at Ginny and blaise who held hands, I smiled and turned my attention to the front of the classroom "well students, this will be one of our last sessions of the year. Christmas break is quickly approaching. Today we will be discussing what comes after you marry your pair" mcgonogal began, i tensed up at the idea "now, I know many of you are stressed and overwhelmed and I understand, I've took the liberty of speaking to the ministry and while they would prefer you bare children quite soon after marriage they give you two years after you graduate from here to have had a child" she finished, I looked at Draco who grabbed my hand, gently squeezing it.

"I know this is very stressful, possibly very upsetting but I would like you all to know no matter what...we are here for you, hogwarts doors will always be open for you" she said, her eyes were ready as she finished the rest of the class "Hermione, Draco...my office" she said, we nodded. When we arrived and got sorted she began "It's been a while since we last chatted about your situation...how are we feeling?" She asked

"much better, things are going smoothly" Draco said and I smiled, she nodded "would you...would you be willing to discuss a date?" She asked, i looked at Draco, who was already looking at me "em..." I began "I mean.." Draco said "yes.." we both said, mcgonogal smiled slightly "good, well it's up to you both how this all works...it is your wedding...I would like a letter with a date and other details by the end of the week" she said, we nodded getting up and walking out

We sat back in our dorm "so.." Draco said, sitting down with two cups of teas and a quill and parchment "wedding..", I nodded taking a deep breath "We could have it here.." I said, he nodded writing it down "the reception at the manor if you'd like?" He asked, I nodded and he wrote it down "and a date?" I asked, we thought for a moment before both saying "may 3rd', I smiled slightly and he wrote it down "it give us more time" he said, I nodded "well, that should be enough for now" he said, placing it down and grabbing his tea

"have you spoke to your parents about all this?" I asked him, "no...I mean I'm sure they know already but no" I nodded "and you?" He asked, I froze slightly "I-um...well.." I stuttered "what's wrong?" He asked "my...my parents are in Australia with my sister" I said, he looked surprised "I didn't know you had a sister" he said, I laughed slightly "yeah they don't know either", he stopped for a moment and looked at me with confusion "I obliviated their memory of me before the war...when I went to restore it they had, had a baby....they called her Hermione..."I finished. He placed his cup down "Hermione I'm so sorry" he said, I smiled and held in the tears "it's fine, honestly it's not a big deal...they're happy" I said

"Would you never consider restoring it?" He asked "no...I would love too, merlin how much I crave a hug from my mum but it wouldn't be right...not anymore" I said, my voice shakey. He reached over and gave me a hug. I held him tightly as an owl flew to the window "Draco.." I said, he looked over "Magnus?" He questioned, running to the window and grabbing the letter from the delicate grey owl "he's yours?" I asked walking over, Draco nodded and opened the letter

My dear son,

I've heard of the pairing, I'd like to invite both you and miss granger to ours for Christmas. After mr potter and miss Parkinson's wedding of course. Please write back as soon as possible.

With much love, mum xx

I stared at the handwriting and looked up at him "well..." I said "what do you think? Would you be comfortable with that?" He asked, I nodded "yes, of course. Write back to them before you forget" I said, he smiled slightly before running upstairs to write back. Was I okay with this? Possibly not but at the same time where else would I be spending Christmas.

He came back down quickly and sent the delicate owl on his way. He smiled at me, I could tell he was happy and I smiled back. "We should head to dinner before everyone else gets at the good stuff" he said, I laughed. He gently grabbed my hand and we headed on our way. When we entered the hall I couldn't see Ginny or harry at the table "Guys!" I heard the familiar voice shout, we turned and saw both of them at the slytherin table. We smiled and walked over, taking a seat in front of them "this is new" I said to my two best friends as they sat beside their pair "well yes but I can't stand to listen to Ron and lavender argue anymore" Ginny said, stealing food off of blaises plate "Hey! The food is right in front of you!" He said, I laughed at them before filling my plate

"so how did your meeting go today?" Pansy asked, I looked at Draco and smiled "may 3rd" I responded. The girls squealed "Ohhh! A spring wedding! That's so you Hermione" Ginny said, I laughed "have you discussed bridesmaids?" They questioned, I raised an eyebrow "hmm...I'm sure I can think of a person or two" I said, they giggled "of course it will be you two" I said, they each grabbed a hand and I smiled

"Well mate, should I be expecting a suit to appear??" Blaise asked Draco, he smiled "Well blaise, harry, Theo would use be my groomsmen?" He asked, I smiled as I saw Harry's face light up "are you sure?" He asked Draco , Draco held out a hand "we're friends now potter, I wouldn't have it any other way" harry smiled and took his hand, shaking it. We all dug in, I smiled as I looked around me. I wouldn't of expected any of this, the pairings, the unexpected friendships but honestly....I don't think I would have this any other way


Dracos pov

When we arrived back to the dorm her head went straight into whatever homework she had to do, she always looked so content when she was doing it. When I went upstairs I noticed Magnus back at the window and let him in

My dear son,

I'm so glad! I am excited to meet miss granger properly. I'd just like to let you know that me and your father are quite happy with everything, I know this may be an upsetting or hard time for miss granger when she comes but please, make her aware she has no need to worry. She'll be well looked after and loved while she is here, she will after all be a malfoy and we look after our own. I hope any bad blood can be brushed away

Love mum x

I smiled at the letter and placed it in my drawer, I sat down on my bed. Thinking over the last few weeks, merlin I never would have seen myself in this situation. The idea of marrying hermione didn't make my stomach tight anymore, if I'm being honest I'm rather excited about it, knowing that at-least I'll be marrying someone who knows me for me, marrying someone I care about....marrying someone I think...I think I might love

└─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

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