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♥︎ he helped you every step of the way through it
♥︎ he held your hand through the process of it all
♥︎ he was relieved when it had finished and so were you
♥︎ his hand hurt from you squeezing it so hard
♥︎ Maka had entered the room and so had your father
♥︎ they were very happy now that the baby was born
♥︎ you were really tired

Death the Kid:
♥︎ he exited the room
♥︎ he didn't like seeing you in pain
♥︎ after a good long while, his child had been born
♥︎ no wait
♥︎ his children had been born
♥︎ they were twins
♥︎ he was beyond happy
♥︎ they were identical
♥︎ Lord Death was happy once he heard the news

Black star:
♥︎ it was actually surprisingly a short birth, so it wasn't long
♥︎ tsubaki pulled him out of the room because he kept on screaming
♥︎ but he burst in through the door once he heard that it was finished
♥︎ he didn't say anything because you were asleep
♥︎ he was the first to hold his child in his arms

♥︎ was more nervous than you were, and you were the one giving birth!
♥︎ he fainted on the hospital floor
♥︎ you just shook your head at him
♥︎ after a long while, your child had been born and Crona had awoken
♥︎ you were very tired so you fell asleep right away with your child in your arms
♥︎ he sat on a chair next to your bed and fell asleep right with you and your child

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