♡︎New addition: Crona♡︎

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I'm going to use he/them pronouns for Crona. Also, please tell me if km using these pronouns wrong, I'm very ill educated

How you met:
♥︎ You were Makas childhood best friend and she introduced you to Crona
♥︎ he thought your eyes were very pretty
♥︎ they were very very shy
♥︎ "I- I dont think I can handle this..."
♥︎ it took them a minute to actually look you in your eyes for more than 2 seconds
♥︎ then, of course, Ragnarok has to ruin everything
♥︎ "who's this wench?"
♥︎ "Ragnarok!"

Becoming friends:
♥︎ he started to come out of his little shell and talked to you more
♥︎ he thought you had an interesting personality
♥︎ you thought it was cute how shy they were, but you understood why
♥︎ you guys talked about things you liked to do, and you even read some of his poems
♥︎ they were depressing, but they were good
♥︎ you tried encouraging them to try new things, but he would always respond with something along the lines of "I dont know how to handle ____"
♥︎ his shyness made you giggle

Asking you out:
♥︎ he actually caught feelings quite fast
♥︎ he, of course, didn't know how to deal with it
♥︎ he told Maka about his feelings, and she was actually really excited for them.
♥︎ she helped them pick out flowers for you and what he was going to say
♥︎ he was really really really nervous, and he asked Maka to do it for them
♥︎ she said no
♥︎ after school, he caught up with you
♥︎ "what's up, Crona? Are you alright?"
♥︎ he was practically dying
♥︎ "Y-y/n..."
♥︎ Ragnarok wasn't making this situation better.
"Just ask her already you dumbass!"
♥︎ "ow! W-will you g-go o-o-out with m-me...?"
♥︎ he was looking everywhere but at you
♥︎"oh of course I will, Crona!!"

When he gets jealous:
♥︎ believe it or not, he actually gets jealous very very rarely
♥︎ he trusts you
♥︎ but when he does get jealous, he just walks over to you, grabs you hand and pulls you away from the
Person you're talking to
♥︎ his excuse is that he had a poem he wanted you to read
♥︎ 2/10 jealousy

First kiss:
♥︎ you're crazy if you think he is going to make the first move for a kiss
♥︎ you have to do it or it's never going to happen
♥︎ one day, you to were walking around in the park
♥︎ after your walk, he took you home and you kissed them at your doorstep before you went inside
♥︎ he died right then and there

First date:
♥︎ Maka told them that you really like flowers(and if you dont, we're going to pretend you do)
♥︎ so he took you to a really pretty garden full of pretty and colorful flowers
♥︎ you loved it(and if you didn't, idk what to tell you)

Contact names:
Yours: y/n
Theirs: Shy boy 💗

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